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发表于 1-20-2016 16:52:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 蔡英文
(1956- ; 祖父客家望族,祖母排灣族; "根據《商業周刊》報導,[父親] 蔡潔生有四名妻室,共育有兒女十一人,蔡英文在兄弟姊妹的排行是最後一個。蔡英文的母親是張金鳳女士,為蔡潔生的侧室")

(2) Simon Denyer, 'Progressive, tolerant and diverse': How Taiwan Is Moving Ever Farther from China. Jan 19, 2016.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/n ... farther-from-china/


(a) "Not only did Tsai Ing-wen become Taiwan’s first female president, and the most powerful woman in the Chinese-speaking world, she is also the first woman to run an Asian country who is not the child of a political dynasty.

"Sure, we have or have had women running South Korea, Thailand, Pakistan and Bangladesh, and (in Sonia Gandhi) calling all the shots in India, but all owed their positions at least in part to being sisters, widows or daughters of previous rulers.

"Tsai is a single woman who worked her own way up

(b) "Female candidates won 43 out of 113 seats in Taiwan’s parliament at the weekend, bringing up to 10th place in a league table of female representation in 'free democracies' compiled by Academica Sinica political expert Nathan Batto 鮑彤 [AB Dartmouth 1992, Univ Calif San Diego PhD in political science 2007] in Taipei.

(c) "The elections were also a milestone for aboriginal representation, with legislators from Taiwan’s original inhabitants taking up eight seats in the parliament: With 7 percent of seats for a group that makes up 1.5 percent of the population, Taiwan has chosen to over-represent its aboriginal community.

(a) Quotation (a): "we have or have had women running South Korea, Thailand, Pakistan and Bangladesh, and (in Sonia Gandhi) calling all the shots in India, but all owed their positions at least in part to being sisters, widows or daughters of previous rulers."
(i) S Korea's president Park Geun-hye's 朴槿惠 father Park Chung-hee 朴正熙, a strongman
(ii) Thai Prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra (in office 2011-2014) is daughter of Thaksin Shinawatra (prime minister 2001-2006)
(iii) Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto (1953 – 2007; in office 1993 – 1996) was daughter of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (1928 – 1979 executed by hanging; president 1971 – 1973, prime minister 1973 – 1977).
(A) Sheikh Hasina
(1947 - ; prime minister (2009 - , and 1996 - 2001; daughter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the founding father and first President of Bangladesh, and widow of the nuclear scientist MA Wazed Miah)
(B) Mujibur Rahman  (1920 – 1975; killed in a coup along with his family and personal staff, except two daughters who were abroad)

(v) Additionally, Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi (1945- )

"Her father, Aung San, founded the modern Burmese army and negotiated Burma's independence from the British Empire in 1947; he was assassinated by his rivals in the same year."  en.wikipedia.org

(b) Regarding quotation (c).
(i) 區域暨原住民選舉
(A) 平地原住民  three seats in one district for the entire Taiwan; three elected: 鄭天財 and 廖國棟 (both KMT) and 陳瑩 (female, DPP).
(B) 山地原住民  three seats in one district for the entire Taiwan; three elected: 孔文吉 and 簡東明 (both KMT) and 高金素梅 (female, 無黨團結聯盟).
(ii) 不分區兩席次挺進國會 原民立委共八席. YouTube.com, uploaded by TITV原視新聞 on Jan 17, 2016.
("2016總統及立委大選結束,目前根據各政黨不分區立委名單,民進黨第7順位的Kol­as Yotaka,以及時代力量第一順位的高潞.以用 ,都順利拿下席次,因此除了原先六席的原住民籍立委席次,這次新國會總共有八位原住民­籍立委")
(ii) Of course, it is considered unconditional in US, where "one person, one vote" is entrenched.

(c) "Freddie Lim 林昶佐, leader singer of band Chthonic, beat an experienced and powerful ruling party veteran in a Taipei constituency. His rival Lin Yu-fang 林郁方"

Timeline Photos. By 林昶佐 中正萬華關鍵戰將. August 10, 2015
https://www.facebook.com/ivotefr ... 79/396261463918424/

(d) "Taiwan is progressive in other ways too, hosting Asia’s largest LGBT festival. With public opinion already onside, there is a decent chance that after this election it could become the first [Asian] country to legalize same-sex marriage."

onside (adv, adj)
(e) "The island of Taiwan only achieved a peaceful transition from martial law and dictatorship to democracy roughly two decades ago, with 1990 student protests known as the White Lilly [sic; should be Lily] movement 野百合學運 a crucial step in that journey."


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