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Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Dec 21, 2015

发表于 1-27-2016 16:37:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 1-27-2016 17:57 编辑

Dexter Roberts, Tibet's Potemkin Economy.
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/ar ... -s-potemkin-economy


(a) "For the past two decades, Tibet’s economy has outperformed China as a whole. Its growth has averaged 12.4 percent annually over that period, compared with a national average of about 10 percent * * * But these statistics are misleading: The Tibetan miracle is the result of massive subsidies that have done little to foster productive enterprises in the territory of 3.15 million people.

"Since China annexed Tibet in 1951 and its religious and political leader, the Dalai Lama, fled into exile in India, the central government has sent more than 648 billion yuan ($100 billion) to the region. Beijing’s subsidies have funded massive transportation and power projects

(b) "Andrew Fischer, a professor at the International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague and an expert on Tibet, says subsidies from Beijing dwarf the local economy, amounting to about 112 percent of economic output, which was 80.8 billion yuan in 2013.

(a) summary underneath the title in print: Beijing subsidies have created unhealthy dependence
(i) Potemkin village
(ii) Potemkin (surname)
(c) "Zangmu hydropower station 藏木 水电站, on the Yarlung Tsangpo River, became fully operational in October."

(d) "One 30-year-old Han migrant, who hails from Shiyan, in Hubei province 湖北省十堰市, came to Lhasa in June of this year. * * * Now he runs a tourist shop selling Buddhist statuary and prayer beads in a market near the Jokhang, Tibet’s most sacred temple."

(section 2 Etymology: "When King Songtsän built the temple his capital city was known as Rasa ('Goats'), since goats were used to move earth during its construction. After the king's death, Rasa became known as Lhasa (Place of the Gods); the temple was called Jokhang—'Temple of the Lord'—derived from Jowo Shakyamuni Buddha, its primary image. The Jokhnag's Chinese name is Dazhao 大昭[寺]")
(i) Songtsän = Songtsen Gampo 松赞干布 (569 or 605 – 649?; one of his wives was 文成公主)
(ii) Jowo (statue)
("Jowo Shakyamuni or Jowo Rinpoche (Wylie jo bo rin po che) is, with Jowo Mikyö Dorje, the most sacred statue in Tibet")
(A) Jowo Shakyamuni or Jowo Rinpoche: traditional Chinese: "覺沃仁波切:釋迦牟尼佛十二歲等身像"
(B) Jowo Mikyö Dorje: traditional Chinese: "釋迦牟尼佛八歲等身像"
(A) Jokhang pronunciation: "joe-khah'ng"
(B) Tibet Customs. China Intercontinental Press, 2004, at page _
https://books.google.com/books?i ... ciation&f=false
("Jokhang means 'the great Buddha' ")


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 楼主| 发表于 1-27-2016 16:37:54 | 只看该作者
(2) The Fall of China’s Goldman Sachs.
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/ar ... -police-to-its-door

(a) summary underneath the title in print: Citic is accused of helping foreigners bet against stocks
(b) quotation underneath the title in print: "The sands of regulation in China are always shifting"
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