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Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Jan 25, 2016 (I)

发表于 1-28-2016 17:37:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Leslie Patton, Pizza Hut's Shrinking Piece of the Pie.
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/ar ... e-pizzeria-upstarts

(a) summary underneath the title in print: Beset by new rivals, the chain is dressing up for today's diners
(b) quotation underneath the title in print: It's "kind of in the middle. The middle is a tough place to be."

(c) "Diners-out are drawn to a growing number of fast-casual joints where companies like Blaze Pizza -- in which LeBron James is a partner -- offer fancier toppings and customers get to watch their meals take shape. Eaters-in increasingly prefer to tap out their orders on mobile phones -- then send them to Domino’s Pizza Inc."
(i) diner–out (n; plural diners–out): "a person who dines out"
(ii) I fail to find "eater-in" in online dictionaries. However I do find

eat in (v): "eat at home"
"WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc"
(iii) Here is another (rare) example of "diner out" and "eater-in."

SuffolkEater Reviews The White Horse, Badingham. Eastward Ho!, Sept 16, 2014
(" 'SuffolkEater' is a four-headed, four-stomached reviewing body, who choose a restaurant, partake of different items on the menu, pay for the meal, depart and write about the experience. The foursome are experienced eaters-in and diners out, and unknown as reviewers to the places they visit")

(d) "So how’s it going in Lantana, Texas, which hosts one of the two Pizza Hut outlets where the rebranding is on trial?"

Lantana, Texas

(e) "Pizza Hut has seen plenty of competitors rise and fall since it was founded in 1958, when two brothers borrowed $600 from their mother to open their first restaurant in Wichita, Kansas. The red-roof look was adopted in 1969, and by 1971 it was the world’s largest pizza chain.  It still is, but in the US at least, Domino’s is closing the gap. * * * according to Technomic."
(i) Pizza Hut
("In 2015, the company had more than 6,000 Pizza Hut restaurants in the United States, and 5,139 store locations in 94 other countries and territories worldwide. Pizza Hut has a total of 11,139 branches worldwide" / sold in 1977 to Pepsi, which, to concentrate on sodas, spun it off to be part of Yum! Brands in 1997)
(ii) In print but not online is a market share in US. However I have located the original data that this BW report is based on.

Rick Hynum, The 2015 Pizza Power Report. PMQ Pizza Magazine, December 2014
http://www.pmq.com/December-2014 ... Pizza-Power-Report/
(Figure 1 (a pie chart) "US Pizza Sales - $38,524, 732,336,000[:] Years Ending September 2014." Independents (40.89%), Other Chains (20.12%), Pizza Hut (14.79%), Domino's (9.86%), Little Caesars (7.85%), Papa John's (6.45%) )

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