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发表于 1-30-2016 10:29:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
腾龙, 漫话英伦:英国三叉戟核潜艇揭秘. BBC Chinese, Jan 29, 2016
http://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp ... ocus_trident_debate

(a) 三叉戟弹道导弹  Trident (missile)
(a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) equipped with multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles (MIRV); Lockheed Martin; Trident I (designated as C4) deployed 1979 - 2005, Trident II (designated D5) 1990 - 2027; Trident missiles are provided to the United Kingdom under the terms of the 1963 Polaris Sales Agreement which was modified in 1982 for Trident)
(b) "四艘核潜艇,Vanguard,Victorious,Vigilant , Vengeance,轮番出航。一年365天,总有其中一艘潜艇载着核弹游弋在世界某处的大洋海底,保持 '不间断海上核威慑' ")

Vanguard-class submarine
(HMS Vanguard commissioned 1993; HMS Vigilant 1996)

(c) Mark Duell, The Red Button That Could Launch Britain's Nuclear Warheads - and the Safe Containing the PM's Secret Orders for War: A Rare Glimpse into the Claustrophobic World of a Trident Submarine. Daily Mail, Jan 21, 2016 (online publication; photos)
www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... lear-submarine.html
(i) "When that order is given" from prime minister

I am interested in how the order was communicated to the submarine, but the report did not say.
(ii) "In the second scenario [the first being PM giving an order to shoot], Britain has been destroyed and there is no government left. The submariners then turn to the 'letter of last resort [BBC Chinese: 一封 '最后的选择' 信].'  It has been written by David Cameron and instructs those on the boat what to do in the event of a nuclear disaster. It is kept locked in a safe inside another safe in the control room and no one except the Prime Minister knows what it says.
Cdr Martyn said: 'I can open the Prime Minister’s letter in the presence of an officer who would give me his instructions of what he wanted me to do.' "


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