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Visit Japan: Tourism Promotion in the 1920s and 1930s

发表于 2-2-2016 16:53:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) Visit Japan: Tourism Promotion in the 1920s and 1930s. National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo.
(Jan 9 - Feb 28, 2016)

, which is translated from (the website’s Chinese edition does not have exhibitions, including this one)

(2) ようこそ日本へ:1920‐30年代のツーリズムとデザイン. 東京国立近代美術館.

Note: captions:
(a) “MACHIDA Ryu[u-]you [or Ryū-yō, in another transliteration system]  Osaka Shosen Kaisha (Yokozuna Tachiyama) c.1917 Hakodate City Central Library”
町田 隆要《Osaka Shosen Kaisha(横綱太刀山)》1917年頃 函館市中央図書館蔵
(i) Osaka Shōsen Kaisha 大阪商船 [株式] 会社 [which merged with Mitsui Steamship Co, Ltd 三井船舶 in 1964 to form Mitsui OSK Lines 株式会社商船三井 (MOL; based in Tokyo)
(ii) Maku-uchi  幕内


"Makuuchi literally means 'inside the curtain,' a reference to the early period of professional sumo, when there was a curtained-off area reserved for the top ranked wrestlers to sit before appearing for their bouts.

section 2 Yokozuna: "Yokozuna 横綱 is the highest rank in sumo. The name literally means 'horizontal rope' and comes from the most visible symbol of their rank, the rope (綱 tsuna) worn around the waist. The rope is similar to the shimenawa used to mark off sacred areas in Shinto, and like the shimenawa it serves to purify and mark off its content. The rope, which may weigh up to 20 kilograms (44 lb), is not used during the matches themselves, but is worn during the yokozuna's dohyo-iri ring entrance ceremony. * * *

(A) 横綱 太刀山, where 横綱 is the ranking and 太刀山, surname in the stage name of the sumo wrestler.
(B) 太刀山 峯右エ門
(1877 - 1941; 本名 [birth name] は [was] 老本 弥次郎)

Here the "エ" is not Chinese Character but katakana for "e" pronunciation whose kanji representation is 衛. 衛門 is a guard of a gate in a palace, government building or walled city; each gate has two guards (left and right; with the left ranking higher than the right).
(C) 太刀 tachi is a Japanese sword (curved, more than 2尺 (約60cm). "Chokutō 直刀 [Chinese pronunciation], straight swords, were also called tachi [Japanese pronunciation for 大刀], but written as 大刀."  This is what hokutō look like.
(D) shime-nawa  注連縄
(rice straw rope; often seen festooned with shide)
(E) Japanese English dictionary:
* dohyo-iri 土俵入り 【どひょういり】 (n): "{sumo} entrance procession of wrestlers into the ring"
  ^ dohyo  土俵 【どひょう】 (n): "arena, esp in sumo"
* nawa 縄 【なわ】 (n): "rope; cord"   (Japanese pronunciation of the kanji)
* shide 紙垂【しで】 (n): "zigzag-shaped paper streamer often used to adorn Shinto-related objects"  (The photo in section 2 of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makuuchi shows a sumo wearing a white 横綱 with five white 紙垂 hanging down from the rope.
* koshi-kakeru 腰掛ける 【こしかける】 (v): "to sit (down)* koshi-kakeru 腰掛ける 【こしかける】 (v): "to sit (down)

(b) “Pieter I Brown Japan: Night scene at a shrine 1934 Private Collection”
ピーター I ブラウン《Japan(神社夜景)》1934年 個人蔵
(c) YOSHIDA Hatsusaburō Beautiful Japan 1930 Private Collection
吉田 初三郎《Beautiful Japan》1930年 個人蔵
(d) “Gösta Georgii-Hemming Around the World Eastward or Westward with NYK Line 1932 Yokohama Port Museum”
ジョスタ・ゲオルギー=ヘミング《Around the World Eastward or Westward with NYK Line》1932年 横浜みなと博物館蔵

Nippon Yūsen  
(日本郵船 [株式会社; pronounced: Nippon Yūsen Kabushiki Kaisha -- thus NYK Line]; 1870- ; based in Tokyo)

(e) “HASHIGUCHI Goyō Japan Mail S. S. Cooman inboard holding a calendar 1913 Yokohama Port Museum”
橋口 五葉《日本郵船株式会社(船内でカレンダーを手にする女性)》1913年 横浜みなと博物館蔵
(i) S. S. = steamship
(ii) I am clueless about “Cooman.”
(f) SUGIURA Hisui Japan Tourist Bureau 1923 The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
杉浦 非水《Japan Tourist Bureau》1923年 東京国立近代美術館蔵

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2-2-2016 16:53:24 | 只看该作者
ようこそ日本へ:1920‐30年代のツーリズムとデザイン. Internet Museum, undated.
http://www.museum.or.jp/modules/ ... &id=770&c=2
(Click to enlarge, a pair of posters in the left column: the right panel has the following caption: "北 蓮蔵 [KITA Renzō]《The South Manchuria Railway(扇子を手に腰掛ける着物女性)》1911年頃")

(a) at the top:
Completes the 'All Rail' Route
across Europe and Asia, and brings London within a fortnight’s journey
from Tokyo, Peking, or Shanghai, thus saving much time and money  
and the tedium of a long sea-voyage."

(b) at lower right corner:
* * *
Thom. Cook & Son
* * *"

(i) The "Dairen" is Japanese pronunciation for "大連."  (Japanese language does not has diphthongs 双母音, so 大連 is pronounced "da-i-ren.")
(ii) Thomas Cook & Son
(1841-2002 (sold to a German company); Headquarters        London)
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