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Radio Free Asia (RFA)

发表于 2-11-2016 19:12:18 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 2-11-2016 19:17 编辑

(1) 萨德系统促成韩美日和中俄朝的新冷战局面. RFA, Feb 11, 2016
http://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yata ... 02112016105021.html
("首尔的专家认为,朝鲜的核武和卫星促使了韩美日三国的军事合作,而韩国的萨德部署也推动了中国、俄罗斯和朝鲜的共同阵线。世宗研究所首席研究员洪铉翼说(录音),'有可能以朝鲜半岛为界,形成北方三角安保合作,和南方三方防御同盟的,新的对决阵营' ")

My comment: There is no need to read the rest, which is about what we are familiar with.

(2) 中国就美印南海联合巡逻建议发出警告. RFA, Feb 11, 2016
http://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yata ... 02112016110543.html

My comment: There is no need to reas the rest, because the quotation is the only new development.

(3) 张志强谈 '鱼蛋革命':香港人心中压抑着太多愤怒. RFA, Feb 11, 2016
http://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yata ... 02112016104809.html
("美国香港华人联会 [Alliance of Overseas Hong Kong Chinese in the US] 副会长张志强")

(4) Dystopian Hong Kong Movie Disappears From Cinemas. RFA, Feb 10, 2016
http://www.rfa.org/english/news/ ... 02102016122958.html
("movie houses in the former British colony have mysteriously dropped an independent film [10 Years] * * * Co-director Jevons Au [Man-Kit 歐文傑] told RFA he is angry and disappointed that the movie has disappeared from cinemas, in spite of selling five million tickets since its release amid rave reviews and a continuing public debate, both on and offline. * * * a Jan 22 editorial in [Global Times says,] 'It is to be hoped that the Hong Kong people will have some immunity to this thought virus, and are unlikely to follow it into the gutter, once all the fuss is over' ")

Note: 社评:《十年》吓唬香港社会,内地管不了. 环球网, Jan 22, 2016
("希望300多万票房表明它影响的只是香港小众,而且那些港人尚存应有的分辨力和对 '思想病毒' 的抵抗力,看看热闹就过去了,而不会真跟着这样的电影 '往沟里跑' ")

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