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发表于 2-21-2016 12:20:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 傅才德,  and 储百亮, 高调撤换肖钢,习近平的一场赌注? 纽约时报中文网, Feb 21, 2016

, which is translated from

Michael Forsythe, Keith Bradsher and Chris Buckley, Big Change for China as It Fires Securities Regulator. But Is It Big Enough?  New York Times, Feb 21, 2016.

two consecutive paragraphs:

"The shake-up at the securities regulator is also likely to result in renewed questions about the eventual retirement of Zhou Xiaochuan, the head of China’s central bank since 2002.

"When Prime Minister Li Keqiang criticized the government’s handling of financial markets at a meeting last Monday of the State Council, China’s cabinet, he cited management of the currency. The currency falls under the direct purview of the People’s Bank of China.

(a) 肖钢(1958- ; 1981年毕业于湖南财经学院(今湖南大学)金融系,1996年获得中国人民大学法学硕士学位)  zh.wikipedia.org

He does not have a PhD.
(b) 告别肖钢证监会迎来刘士余时代. 新华网, Feb 20, 2016
(c) "Mr Xiao’s dismissal came days before global finance ministers are to meet in Shanghai, expecting answers from China’s leaders on how they will restore confidence in their ability to competently manage the economy."

(home page shows in the right column: "G20 Calendar * * * "26-27, February        Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting #1 (Shanghai)."

There are more meetings for the same. For example:
* 13-14, April  Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting #2 (Washington, DC)
* 23-24, July  Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting #3 (Chendu)
(d) "But Mr Xiao’s replacement, Liu Shiyu, may not necessarily offer the bold change the markets need. Mr Liu, chairman of the Agriculture Bank of China, has little experience in equity markets. * * * While Mr Liu has little experience with markets, he does have connections. In the mid-1990s, he worked the state-owned China Construction Bank. The bank, at the time, was headed by Wang Qishan"

刘士余 (1961- ; 清华大学水利工程系水利水电工程专业学士,清华大学经济管理学院管理科学与工程专业硕士、技术经济学博士)  zh.wikipedia.org

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 楼主| 发表于 2-21-2016 12:20:17 | 只看该作者
(2) Lingling Wei, China Tries to Win Over Economic Skeptics; The top regulator was fired for missteps that led to a stock-market free fall in mid-2015. Wall Street Journal, Feb 20, 2016.

three consecutive paragraphs:

"Mr Xiao has been in the hot seat for months. He was the official primarily faulted for a bungled mid-2015 stock-market rescue that for the first time made President Xi Jin-ping  look vulnerable.

"At a meeting last summer attended by Mr Xi and other senior officials, Mr Xiao's face went pale when Mr Xi expressed dissatisfaction with how Chinese regulators handled the market-rescue effort, according to people familiar with the matter.

"Then in January, an invention Mr Ciao had championed -- a circuit breaker to prevent a stock-market free fall -- went spectacular away, worsening a selloff to trigger the worst-ever start to a year for Chinese stocks. The circuit breaker was shelved after only four days in use.

My comment: There is no need to read the rest of the WSJ report (because it says nothing new or important), which WSJ locks behind pay wall anyway.
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