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习近平 '左转' 回归毛时代?

发表于 3-4-2016 09:10:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

约翰·辛普森, BBC北京观察:习近平 '左转' 回归毛时代? BBC Chinese, Mar 4, 2016
http://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp ... xi_authoritarianism

, which is translated from

John Simpson (BBC's "world affairs editor"), Critics Fear Beijing's Sharp Turn to Authoritarianism. BBC, Mar 3, 2016.


(a) " 'The real economy is suffering big time,' says Liu Qian, the director of the Economist Intelligence Unit's China service.  'If anything, I'd say that 2016 is the most critical year for the Chinese economy in the past decade or so.'

(b) "Zhang Lifan, an outspoken independent historian, thinks Mr Xi feels a crisis is approaching.  'He is worried that he will lose the rule of the Chinese Communist Party. He is also worried that he might be replaced by his peers.' * * * In the new climate, these might be difficult opinions to voice. Does Mr Zhang feel nervous?  'The fact that I can still talk is quite an exception. I don't know for how much longer, though.'

(c) "A thin-skinned leader [section heading:] * * * [Xi] seems remarkably thin-skinned. The case of the five Hong Kong booksellers * * * is particularly disturbing.  The books themselves are scarcely serious. One which I have seen is simply softish porn using Mr Xi as a character. It's absurd and trivial. Yet the full weight of the Chinese Communist Party's anger has fallen on the five men who sold these books. * * * Britain has protested eh alleged abduction]. But the Chinese government has noted with considerable satisfaction that Britain's response was noticeably more muted than that of the United States [amid speculation that UK economic revival needs China].

My comment:
(a) "BBC北京观察" in Chinese title is not found in the English original.
(b) BBC translates quotation (a) this way: "经济学人信息社(Economist Intelligence Unit)中国分部的负责人刘倩指出:'中国实体经济现在困难重重…别的不论,2016至少对中国经济而言应该说过去十年中最至关重要的一年。'

I am unsure whether "中国实体经济现在困难重重" is correct translation of "The real economy is suffering big time."  Maybe the translation is acceptable?

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