本帖最后由 choi 于 4-3-2016 11:38 编辑
Tony Wesolowsky, Cultivating Ties: Ukraine Feeds China's Growing Appetite For Crops. Radio Free Europe Radio Loberty, Aug 16, 2015
www.rferl.org/content/china-ukra ... ussia-/27191556.htm
"Despite that [war and shrunken economy], Ukraine's total crop production in 2014 reached 63 million tons, a post-Soviet record
"China is the world's second-biggest consumer of corn, which Beijing needs mainly to feed livestock as the Chinese population's appetite for a Western diet -- including lots of meat -- grows.
(a) Regarding quotation 2. My first impression is that China is the second largest IMPORTING NATION of corn in the world. But I can not find any evidence to support this statement, despite thorough research. Then I realize that China is the second largest CONSUMER.
China as the second largest consumer is readily acceptable -- because China is world's second largest producer of corn (after the US, but well ahead of Brazil). See maize
(section 7 Production; section 7.2 quantity; ranking)
(b) As for corn exporting or importing nations (China is insignificant in either category to be listed separately -- as opposed to being lumped together with many nations and presented as "others"). See
(i) World Corn Exports/Imports 2015-2016*(million bushel). National Corn Growers Association, undated
(footnote: "* Marketing Year Oct 1, 2015 -- Sept 30, 2016" / Importing Nations: EU-27 > Japan > Mexico> South Korea >Egypt> Iran > Columbia > Algeria> Taiwan (161m bushel; 3.2%; as No 9) > Saudi Arabia> US)
(ii) Bushel
(section 1 Name)
is a measurement of VOLUME. This Wiki page states, "The imperial bushel established by the Weights and Measures Act of 1824 [in UK] described the bushel as * * * 8 imperial gallons." However, with Weights and Measures Act 1986 US went further with metrication and dropped bushel and many other measurement units.
(iii) A bushel of something weighs variously, depending on what it is. See
William J Murphy, G4020 Tables for Weights and Measurement: Crops. Department of Agronomy, University of Missouri, October 1993
http://extension.missouri.edu/pu ... layPub.aspx?P=G4020
(Table 1 Weights per bushel: Corn, shelled 56 pounds per bushel; Corn, ear 70 pounds per bushel)
(A) shell (vt): "to separate the kernels of (as an ear of Indian corn, wheat, or oats) from the cob, ear, or husk"
(B) Taiwan is forecast to import 161 million bushel of (shelled) corn -- or 4 million metric tons.
(c) Mr Wesolowsky's report quoted "Fred Gale, a senior economist at the US Department of Agriculture." See next posting. |