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US Navy Lt Comdr Edward Lin Passed Secrets to Taiwan Also?

发表于 4-11-2016 17:45:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Google times the two reports in (1) as "4 hours ago" for both, and the VOA report "2 hours ago."

(a) Sam LaGrone, US Official: Lt Cmdr Edward Lin Accused of Passing Secrets to Taiwan in Addition to China. USNI News, April 11, 2016 4:41 PM (Updated: April 11, 2016 6:55 PM).
https://news.usni.org/2016/04/11 ... n-addition-to-china

(b) Phil Stewart, US Navy Official Suspected of Passing Secrets to Taiwan, China. Reuters, Apr 11, 2016
("A US official told Reuters that Lin was apprehended at an airport in Hawaii, possibly while attempting to leave the country")

Note: Though marked as "highly cited," the quotation is the only new information. Conspicuous absence is how Taiwan gets involved -- only the title  but not text says he passed secrets to Taiwan also.

(2) 台裔美军官涉泄密 台国防部:与台湾无关.
www.voachinese.com/content/taiwa ... 160411/3280312.html


(a) "最先报道这起间谍案的美国海军研究所(USNI)新闻4月10日报道说,台湾出生、14岁随家人移民到美国的美国海军少校爱德华·林被控将美国机密情报泄露给中国,不过包括美国《海军时报》、路透社、美联社等多家通讯社和媒体称,林少校泄密对象可能包括中国与台湾。

(b) "台湾国防部已表示,此案无涉台湾,对案情也无所悉无法评论。台湾媒体援引国防部将领的话报道说,过去美国如果怀疑台湾有人涉及泄密,会通知国防部进行调查或协助,但这个案件并未得到美国的告知。

"另一位不具名的权威人士告诉美国之音,此案唯一与台湾有关的只有涉案人的 '台裔' 背景,而且案子发生已有一段时间 [Lin has been held for eight months],但美台 '军事交流如常,' 未受任何影响。

(a) The quotations are the only new information.
(b) David Larter, Navy Officer, Taiwan native, Accused of Spying. Navy Times, Apr 10, 2016, 5:58 pm EDT (two hours after USNI News broke the news)
www.navytimes.com/story/military ... dward-lin/82867498/

did not say Lin passed secrets to Taiwan (because Navy Times just summarized USNI News).  I suspect that VOA here actually means "USNI News" of today (shown in (1)(a)).

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