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温哥华的 (中国) 富二代

发表于 4-13-2016 11:01:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Dan Levin, 中国富二代移民:父辈的财富和漂亮的兰博基尼. 纽约时报中文网, Apr 13, 2016 (under the heading 温哥华日志)

, which is translated from

Dan Levin, From China to Canada, for Sleek Lamborghinis and Peace of Mind. New York Times, Apr 13, 2016 (; front page; under the heading Vancouver Journal).

My comment:
(a) There is nothing new. So you may not want to read it.
(b) Similar news reports have appeared about, mostly, "Diana Wang, 23, a University of British Columbia graduate student * * * [and] a star on the online reality show 'Ultra Rich Asian Girls of Vancouver.'  Oftentimes I suspect she masterminds these reports to promote her show.
(c) "Many wealthy Chinese are increasingly eager to stow their families, and their riches, in the West, where rule of law, clean air and good schools offer peace of mind, especially for those looking to escape scrutiny from the Communist Party and an anti-corruption campaign that has sent hundreds of the rich and powerful to jail."

stow (vt):
2a :  to put away for future use :  STORE"

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