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Kenya, Malaysia and Taiwanese Deportees

发表于 4-17-2016 11:45:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 4-17-2016 14:55 编辑

In chronological order. Kenya deported 45 Taiwanese to China, against rulings by Kenya court. Then Malaysia deported 20 Taiwanese back to Taiwan, despite a demand from China, which accuses lll of them engaged in fraud on Chinese on PRC.

(a) Jennifer Williams, The Bizarre Diplomatic Fight Between China and Taiwan Playing out in Kenya, Explained. VOX, APR 14, 2016
("And it turns out that the Kenyan authorities actually violated a Kenyan court order that said they were not to deport the Taiwanese individuals. It is unclear precisely who in the Kenyan government decided to defy the court order or why")
(b) The link in the preceding quotation led to

Tom Odula, Lawyer: Kenya illegally deported Taiwanese to China. Associated Press, Apr 13, 2016.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/w ... a43f84dc_story.html

(2) 洪秀柱. Facebook, Apr 16, 2016.

(a) 新聞發布:自己錯了還怪人. Ministry of Justice 法務部, Apr 16, 2016.
https://webcache.googleuserconte ... cache:FxxaObrm-ngJ:[/url]

(i) Ministry of Justice deleted the page already; it is absurd. The URL above is a cache from Google. It is 12 noon EDT, Apr 17, 2016.
(ii) "被罵到臭頭。"

臭頭 is a Taiwanese colloquial, same as tinea capitis 頭癬 and 癩痢頭 (imported from China).
(iii) 法務部 "不得已,只好先放人再繼續蒐證。見國人一片罵聲 [because 法務部 released the suspects],這些立委又把責任推給法務部"
(b) 台灣法務部長批評立法委員「操弄民粹」. BBC Chinese, Apr 17, 2016
www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/china/ ... ministry_of_justice

My comment:
(A) 羅瑩雪
(1951- ; 無黨籍; 生於台灣花蓮縣,籍貫湖南 [PRC demarcation] 湘潭市湘鄉市; 為馬英九晚一期的學妹: 1973, 臺灣大學法律學士)

Luo Ying-shay ([1975] master's degree in criminal justice from the University at Albany, SUNY  (State University of New York) )  en.wikiedia.org
(B) 徐永明  (born in 1966 in Taichung; 1989 台灣大學政治學系學士; 1999 密西根大學政治學博士; was 私立東吳大學政治學系 教授; 不分區立法委員 (2016- ; party: 時代力量) )
(ii) "該新聞稿被網民大量轉載,截至目前被下載突破五千次,點閱次數超過6萬9千次。"

That does not mean readers agree with her.
(iii) I did not hear of her, but is now disgusted by her. She is supposed to know law but her talk in several occasions show she is ignorant (whereas members of Taiwan Legislature 立法委員 mostly do not). Further, Luo never retorts  洪秀柱 (the new KNT chair), whose veiled criticisms in (2) were directed at Luo herself. The truth is Luo had to release the 20 deportees from Malaysia, now that China had refused to present Taiwan with any evidence of their guilt.

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