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海峡论谈:美国梦? 双面谍? 张立平将军谈林少校案

发表于 4-17-2016 16:53:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
VOA Chinese, Apr 17, 2016.
www.voachinese.com/content/voa-s ... 160417/3289406.html

(i) '台裔美国海军少校林介良(音译)卷入间谍案"

林介良 is 音譯 from "Chieh-Liang LIN."
(ii) "美军台裔历来担任最高阶级指挥职务、陆军二星少将、退役的张立平"

Lie-Ping Chang, MD Promoted to Brigadier General. World Journal, Sept 27, 2005.
http://www.chiamonline.com/News/ ... /05liepingchang.htm

The news report in World Journal is supposed to be written in Chinese. Somebody translated it to English. Dr Chang was commanding general at Army Reserve's 807th Medical Command, headquartered at Fort Douglas (three miles east of Salt Lake City, Utah).

(b) "海峡论谈整理林介良(Lt Cmdr Edward C. Lin)在美军的经历: 他在1999年担任水兵、接受潜舰基本训练,在南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿 [Charleston] 的海军核训练学校接受两年训练;2002年5月完成海军军官后背学校(Officer Candidate School)训练后,以两年时间接触有关海军电讯情报等作业;2004年6月在华盛顿州惠德贝岛海军航空站参与舰队防空侦察中队VQ-1(VQ-1是由EP-3E白羊II型侦察机执行防空侦察任务,了解相关潜在敌人能力的电讯情报侦搜);2007年至2009年派到美国太平洋舰队的珍珠港-希卡姆联合基地,并于2008年在当地宣誓成为美国公民,期间曾登上艾森豪威尔威尔号航空母舰(CVN-69)参与海上作业部署(艾森豪威尔威尔舰是核动力航母);2010年12月至2012年2月,就读于罗得岛州新港海军战争学院。"
(i) Nuclear Power School
("a technical school operated by the US Navy in Goose Creek [a city in the suburb of Charleston], South Carolina * * * for shipboard nuclear power plant operation and maintenance of surface ships and submarines in the US nuclear navy")
(ii) Officer Candidate School (United States Navy)
(section 3 History)
(iii) Whidbey Island
(home to Naval Air Station Whidbey Island)

section 1 History: "The island was fully explored in 1792 by Captain George Vancouver. In May of that year, Royal Navy officers and members of Vancouver's expedition, Joseph Whidbey and Peter Puget, began to map and explore the areas of what would later be named Puget Sound. After Whidbey circumnavigated the island in June 1792, Vancouver named the island in his honor.

(iv) Joint Base Pearl Harbor–Hickam

* US Air Force Hickam Field was named in honor of aviation pioneer Lieutenant Colonel Horace Meek Hickam.
(v) USS Dwight D Eisenhower (CVN-69):  commissioned in 1977; the second of the ten Nimitz-class aircraft carriers; currently in service  
(vi) Naval War College

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