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RFA, May 17, 2016

发表于 5-17-2016 17:23:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 河南法院公开指要党性不要人性引发热议.
www.rfa.org/mandarin/yataibaodao ... 05172016102141.html
("河南 [省南阳市] 内乡县法院近日挂出一条 * * * 标语[:] '内乡法院干事创业核心思想:论党性不论人性,论规矩不论初犯,论主观不论客观,论业绩不论原由' ")

() 刘新宇m 中国胜俄罗斯赢得泰国坦克订单.
www.rfa.org/mandarin/yataibaodao ... 05172016123709.html
("中国VT4型坦克击败俄罗斯T-90坦克 * * * 俄罗斯 '军事情报员' 网站5月14日引述 '泰国武装力量' 网站消息报道说,泰国皇家陆军已经在今年的4月份同中国签订了VT4坦克 [中国安装了国产发动机] 的军售合同。合同涉及大约购买一个营约50辆VT4型坦克,预计两年内交付完毕")

(3) 刘水, 韩国济州岛中国妇女弃尸案破案 嫌犯是中国导游.

(4) Dan Southerland, The Cultural Revolution: A Reporter Looks Back.
www.rfa.org/english/commentaries ... 05172016180042.html

My comment:
(a) The article is long but does not seem to say much. You may not want to read it.
(b) "I decided to focus on covering the Vietnam War and to give up trying to cover the CR, as we called it, from Hong Kong."

I fail to find put what CR stands for.
(c) "One of my first trips out of Beijing was to Daxing County * * * Fairly early in the Cultural Revolution, from Aug 27 until Sept 1, 1966, these militants, including local militiamen and Party activists, killed 325 people in the county, according to scholars Wang Nianyi 王年一, Yang [sic] Jiaqi 严家其 and Song Yongyi 宋永毅 * * * One of my sources was a former police officer who told me that under orders from Public Security Minister Xie Fuzhi 谢富治"

北京市 大兴区
("明朝、清朝在北京(顺天府)设置大兴县,为附廓的两赤县之一。1928年划归河北省 * * * 1958年划入北京市,北京市南苑区的旧宫、亦庄、瀛海、西红门等地划归大兴,改称大兴区。1960年改名大兴县。2001年5月1日大兴县撤县设区恢复大兴区")
(d) "As Ian Johnson noted in late 2014 in The New York Review of Books, a brave underground magazine titled Remembrance 记忆 has published roundtable discussions of the Cultural Revolution and apologies issued by several perpetrators of the terror and violence."


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