(c) Regarding quotation (d).
(i) "2016年德国三大最赚钱职业,医生排首位,其次是IT业和工程师。"
(A) Yì-Xiáng J Wáng, Income of Medical Doctors in Germany. Quant Imaging Med Surg, 5: 488 (2015).
("In Germany to work in hospital usually means both high work load and low pay in relative terms * * * [range, depending on seniority: 4,000 Euro/month to 7,000 (12 years AFTER becoming a specialist. in comparison:] The average monthly salary of all professions in Germany is less than 3,500 Euro before tax * * * Tax and other deductions are traditionally very high in Germany (approximately 40%). * * * Note that in Germany, only head physicians can negotiate their salaries")
yearly average exchange rate for euro/dollar in 2015: 1.109729.
(B) Naomi Kresge, The Doctor Who Will See You Now in Germany Is From Serbia. Bloomberg, June 24, 2014
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/ar ... many-is-from-serbia
("An entry-level doctor in Serbia earns about 350 euros ($477) a month, while an apartment in Nis[, Serbia,] can cost about 120 euros a month * * * An assistant doctor in Germany might earn 10 times as much")
* Mladen
(masculine given name of Slavic origin; The names stems from the Slavic root mlad, meaning "young")
* Ivana
(feminine form of the name Ivan, which are both the Slavic cognates of the names Joanna and John)
* "At Ivana Stankovic's anesthesiology ward in the German countryside an hour and a half west of Frankfurt * * * The 588-bed Idar-Oberstein hospital" in state of Rhineland-Palatinate (capital: Mainz).
* Heidelberg is in the State of Baden-Württemberg (capital: Stuttgart)
* "Hoffart met Mladen during a round of language tests on Fat Thursday, the beginning of the annual weekend of Carnival parties in Rhineland-Palatinate’s state capital, Mainz."
Fat Thursday
(the last Thursday before Lent [which begins on Ash Wednesday]; section 1.1 Germany)
Compare Mardi Gras (French for "Fat Tuesday"; day before Ash Wednesday)
* "traditional carnival doughnuts"
Emily Hilliard, Fat Tuesday: The Many Different Doughnuts of Mardi Gras. Kitchen window, NPR, Feb 26, 2014
www.npr.org/2014/02/26/282908382 ... hnuts-of-mardi-gras
("The German take on pre-Lenten doughnuts are called fastnachts (or fasnachts), bearing the same name as the traditional Carnival celebration, which translates as 'fast night [during Lent].' The golden-brown yeasted treats")
Fasnacht (doughnut)
* "Mladens only slip up was translating the Latin 'collum' into English as 'neck' instead of writing down the German word, 'Hals.' "
Common on, no doctors in Taiwan (probably not in US, either) knows of collum. The trends starting decades ago, is moving toward English in medicine, away from Latin. (Now that I know the Latin word, I understand the English noun collar came from collum.
(ii) "在中国插管步骤只有麻醉科大夫才能做"
(A) How can this be possible? Intubation 插管 is the most basic procedure in medicine: very easy, and patients will not be harmed no matter how unskillful the doctor is (because there is no vital tissue there: no vessels for example).
(B) I google China's websites: depending on cities, some places in China even allows nurses to do it (google 护士 插管). In Taiwan, only a doctor or medical student can do it,
(C) 蔡晧东医生 (a qoman), 我真实的2003年:(4) 我成功地做了一次气管插管. 财新博客, Apr 24, 2013.
(d) "德国8分钟急救的送医标准"
It is impossible, considering the traffic. The gold standard in US is one hour, from the time 911 is called (patients may not know for hours that he suffers from a heart attack or stroke. Then the patient finally called 911). see golden hour (medicine)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_hour_(medicine) |