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RFA, July 18, 2016

发表于 7-18-2016 14:00:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 乔龙, 雷洋家属可获700万抚恤 传当局促家属撤诉作交换.
www.rfa.org/mandarin/yataibaodao ... 07182016102940.html
("7月16日,有知情网友援引该案律师团成员披露:已证实由民政局出面拿出七百多万元,其中给了雷洋妻子五百万,余下的二百万取决于雷洋家属的 '配合程度' ")

(2) 忻霖, 律师任全牛妻子遭殴打瘀伤 代理人常伯阳被绑架威胁退出该案.
www.rfa.org/mandarin/yataibaodao ... 07182016103102.html

(3) 丹珍, 公雅寺住持尕才获释 藏人被令参加 '假班禅' 传法会.
http://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yata ... 07182016122446.html

two consecutive paragraphs:

"另据中国藏语广播CNR 7月15号报道,十一世班禅坚赞诺布将于7月21号到24号,在西藏日喀则市德庆格桑颇章,举行时轮金刚灌顶大法会。

"瑞士流亡藏人索南就此 * * * 对本台说:'根据日喀则境内藏人透露 * * * 当局为了营造这位被藏人视为 '假班禅' 的坚赞诺布广受欢迎的假象,已经下达命令,要求当地每户藏民家中必须派两人参加法会,并指凡参法的藏人均有巴士来回接送。

(4) 乔龙, 名导演张艺谋以 '无房户' 身份申请福利房.

three consecutive paragraphs:


"该份被公示的是广西壮族自治区直属单位住房制度改革委员会办公室给广西电影集团的一份公示函,公示函表示,该单位报来一位同志申请全额集资建房办证的资料,属于无房职工申请住房,为接受群众监督,请你单位张榜公示7天,公示日期从7月15日到21日。从文件上看,张艺谋的职称是 '一级摄影师,' 其妻子陈婷,工作单位是精英贰拾壹文化发展有限公司。拟购房面积为146平方米。


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 楼主| 发表于 7-18-2016 14:01:30 | 只看该作者
(5) 刘新宇, 俄版 '重返亚洲' [pivot] 武装中国对手.
www.rfa.org/mandarin/yataibaodao ... 07182016105856.html


"俄罗斯 'Lenta新闻社' 7月16日引述消息人士透露,俄罗斯已经就出口最新S400防空导弹同越南展开谈判。最新一期 '汉和防务评论' 透露, 越南今年希望最少买到四个营的S400 '凯旋' 地空导弹,在俄罗斯以产能不足拒绝交付中国已经付了款的S-400防空导弹的背景下,俄向越南积极 推销此款代号“凯旋”的俄罗斯最新防空系统,颇令外界关注。

"此前,越南已经装备了2个营的S-300PMU1型防空导弹。越南空军也早已驾驶服役的苏 -27和苏-30MK2V战机巡航东海和南海;* * * 越南从俄罗斯购买的第二批猎豹3.9改进型轻护卫舰 [Gepard 3.9-class frigates],已经正式完成交付使用。

(a) Lenta.ru
(1999- ; a Moscow-based online newspaper in Russian language, owned by Rambler Media Group which belongs to Prof-Media [ie, not government-owned])
(b) For export model of S-400, the en.wikipedia.org spells in Russian Триумф and in English Triumph (this is the name Russia confers on the missile, whereas NATO reporting name is "SA-21 Growler").

However, in the English-language Web sometimes it is spelled "Triumf." If one checks Russian alphabet
, he or she will learn that the letter F/f in Russian is Ф/ф, respectively for upper and lower cases.
(i) Regarding quotation 2. In Russia, the frigates are called Project 1161.1, whose NATO reporting name is "Gepard-class."
Russia to supply two Gepard-3.9 Frigates to Vietnam in late 2016. Navy Recognition, Apr 26, 2016
http://navyrecognition.com/index ... m-in-late-2016.html
(lead paragraph: "Russia will supply two Gepard-3.9 (NATO reporting name: Gepard-class) frigates to Vietnamese Navy in the third quarter of 2016, as the Director General of the Zelenodolsk Shipyard named after M Gorky (the manufacturer of Gepard-3.9 frigates), Renat Mistakhov told TASS at the DSA 2016 defense show")
(A) Gepard
(Gepard is the word for "cheetah" in a number of languages)

The examples given are sourced from Germany and Hungary.
(B) German-English dictionary:
* Gepard (noun masculine): "cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)"

Remember: The first letter of German nouns is always capitalized.
(C) HOWEVER, "Gepard" is definitely not a Russian word.
(iii) The Gepard-class frigates are all for export, according to global security: "Project 1166.1 is the Russian entry in the international market for ships with 1,500-2,000 tons of displacement. Intended for export, the design is the successor to the smaller Koni, Parchim and Grisha corvettes. The Project 1166.1 escort ship is available in various modifications (Gepard-3.2, Gepard-3.9, Gepard-5.1, Gepard-5.3, etc)."

For the last sentence of the quotation, consult en,wikipedia.org: "The Russians have offered five variants [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] for foreign sale." And each variant is subdivided, to create 3.9 for instance.

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