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发表于 8-29-2016 14:29:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Latest news first.

(a) 中国首艘国产航母或在年内下水.
("8月上旬的照片中可以确认用于帮助舰载机升空的 '滑跃甲板 [ski-jump deck]' 已基本完工")

, which follows

(b) New Chinese Aircraft Carrier to Hit Water by End of Year. Nikkei Asian Review, Aug 23, 2016.
http://asia.nikkei.com/Politics- ... ater-by-end-of-year

My comment:
(a) There is absolutely no need to read (1)(b). The (1)(a) does not name the source of the photo, but does indicates approximate time: 8月上旬.
(b) The (1)(a) and (2) share photos of similar angles (side view) of the carrier, whereas (3), a satellite photo, taken from above.
(2) Kyle Mizokami, Here Comes China's First Homebuilt Aircraft Carrier
http://www.popularmechanics.com/ ... t-aircraft-carrier/
("A major problem with using ski ramps is that only jet-powered aircraft can launch from them. Planes like the E-2D Hawkeye airborne early warning aircraft and the C-2 Greyhound cargo transport are powered by turboprops and can't generate enough onboard power to launch themselves this way. This will limit the carrier's ability to detect air and sea threats at a distance and remain supplied far from port")

(a) Only view the photo, and read the quotation. There is no need to read the rest of the text.
(b) Mizokami 溝上
(c) Grumman C-2 Greyhound
(d) At the end of the text is "H/T: Jane's."

Where Did That h/t Come From? And What Exactly Does h/t Mean?  Undated
www.merriam-webster.com/words-at ... -ht-mean-on-twitter
("hat tip")

(3) Sean O'Connor, China's First Indigenous Aircraft Carrier Nearing Completion. IHS Jane's Defence Weekly, Aug 17, 2016.
http://www.janes.com/article/630 ... -nearing-completion
(Photo has no caption)


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