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独派藉兆丰银 逼林全下台

发表于 8-31-2016 11:58:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
All three news reports are based on the same interview of 吳澧培 on Aug 30.

(1) 陈民峰, 独派藉兆丰银行遭美罚款案逼林全下台蔡英文保证追查到底. 法广, Aug 31, 2916.
http://cn.rfi.fr/%E6%B8%AF%E6%BE ... 5%E5%88%B0%E5%BA%95

(a) "独派累积对新政府人事安排的不满,借着兆丰案,强力炮轰不是民进党籍也非独派的行政院长林全,逼他下台"
(i) The real aim is president Tsai Ing-wen herself, who has been cavalier about her political base, taking it for granted.
(ii) 林全 (1951- ; 来自深蓝家庭; born and raised in 高雄市左营区的中华民国海军眷村; can not speak Taiwanese, which is very rare in Taiwan)
(iii) In response: 林全: "这要看谁来请我下台嘛."  Then, 蔡英文在民进党中常会上力挺林全.

(b) "兆丰银行 [Mega Bank for short] 前身是国民党政府在大陆时期的交通银行 * * * 日前美国纽约州金融服务署(NYDFS)重罚兆丰银行纽约分行美金一亿八千万元 [$180 million] * * * 据了解,纽约金融服务署查出,2012年兆丰银行纽约分行曾汇款到兆丰在巴拿马的两家分行,共有74个可疑账户和174笔疑似洗钱的可疑汇款,依美国反恐法令,一定金额以上的汇款都必须申报,目的在切断国际恐怖组织的金流,但兆丰纽约分行被查出仅申报其中的64笔,110笔没有申报 * * * 纽约金融服务署虽然没有指控兆丰涉及洗钱,但认为银行没有主动申报就十分可疑。"
(i) Consent Order under New York Banking Law §§ 39 and 44. New York State Department of Financial Services, Aug 19, 2016.
(Mega International Commercial Bank Co, Ltd)
(A) Administrative fines imposed by an agency (of both a state and federal government) may be appealed to a court. A consent order negates such a right.
(B) New York Banking Law sections 39 and 44 are titled "Order of Suspension" and "Violations;  penalties."
(C) The substantive laws violated are found in note 2 of page 3 of Consent Order. The are federal laws. CFR stands for Code of Federal Regulation.
(ii) To be fair, the consent order does not mention 74, 174, 64 and 110 -- or instances of money transfer.

(c) "事发时兆丰银行董事长、总经理 [徐光曦] 都是马英九任内指派 * * * 吴澧培重炮抨击林全任命兆丰总经理徐光曦升任董事长,并流弹四射,他说,蔡英文在国安团队、司法、财经领域,任用的都是前朝的人,根本是「请鬼拿药单」"
(i) The interview of 吴澧培 was conducted in a talkshow.
(A) 從兆豐金事件看政府失能. Hit Fm聯播網-周玉蔻《蔻蔻早餐》, Aug 30, 2016, starting 6:17 am.
https://www.facebook.com/Hit-Fm% ... 90-581140811952464/
(來賓|前總統府資政、美國銀行家 吳澧培; highlight [which is my word]: 前總統府資政吳澧培:林全不下台,蔡政府不會好)

吳澧培 was 總統府資政, a ceremonial, no-pay position invited by former president Chen Shui-bian.
(B) 【HITO LIVE 線上直播】2016/8/30《蔻蔻早餐》專訪吳澧培. YouTube.com, "streamed live" by "Hit Fm聯播網" on Aug 30, 2016.

It is 49 minutes long; of course you should not view it.
(ii) On Aug 16, 2016 行政院院長 林全 promoted 徐光曦 to 兆丰银行董事长, from 兆丰银行总经理, although NYDFS examined Mega bank from January to March 2016. After NTDFS's sanction, 徐 came to New York State to investigate the scandal but was lambasted back in Taiwan as 自己查自己. On Aug 30, 2016 林 came out to defend 徐, who quit the next day (today: Aug 31) unexpectedly and without 林's prior knowledge.   
(iii) "请鬼拿药单" is a Taiwanese idiom, meaning conflict of interest -- because ghost wants the patient to die.   

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 楼主| 发表于 8-31-2016 11:58:35 | 只看该作者
(2) 石秀娟, 不滿李大維出任外交部長,獨派大老吳澧培和姪子吳釗燮絕交. 風傳媒, Aug 31, 2016.

Note: 吳澧培
(1934- (82 years old); 1969 MBA, Fort Hays State University (a public university at Kansas); 其父亲反对日本统治台湾、自始至终支持中国统一; 二哥吴澍培 诉求中国共产党统治台湾)

(a) 轟林全經濟保守吳澧培批蔡用林沒明天. 民視新聞網, Aug 31, 2016
http://news.ftv.com.tw/NewsConte ... mp;sno=2016830P06M1
("吳澧培也斷言,林全在經濟方面太保守,蔡英文用他當行政院長會沒有明天。 * * * 外交部長是藍營出身的李大維,就令他很感冒。前總統府資政吳澧培:「完全不恰當,([周玉蔻:] 吳釗燮怎麼說),他說除了我本人之外,我如果不做外交部長,除了我本人之外,他是最適合的人,(這是吳釗燮的回答),是,所以我現在跟他絕交了。」

(b) 陳彥宇, 獨派大老點名林全下台:否則小英沒未來.
("被 [周玉蔻] 問到如何評論蔡總統的表現,他 [吳澧培] 表示,現在有綠營的人說,蔡英文是無能、是昏君,「講起來會流淚啦」 * * * 吳澧培表示,不知道小英一直包庇林全的理由何在,「真的是世界上都沒有人了?」")

Note: There is no need to read the rest of (3)(b).
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