Patrick Cooke, The Character of Our Country; Copper-riveted jeans, the first oil rig, running shoes, dry cleaning and the 23-story-high clipper ship—as American as apple pie. Wall Street Journal, Oct 5, 2016
(book review on Kevin Baker, America the Ingenious; How a nation of dreamers, immigrants, and tinkerers changed the world. Artisan, 2016)
(a) "The letters in the Morse code message SOS don't mean anything; they're just easy to send and hear. * * * Les Paul nearly died when he was electrocuted in his Queens, NY, apartment while perfecting the electric guitar."
(i) SOS
(ii) Les Paul
(1915 – 2009; birth name: Lester William Polsfuss; While experimenting in his apartment in 1941 [in Queens, NY], Paul nearly succumbed to electrocution)
(iii) "perfecting the electric guitar"
Les Paul did not invent electric guitar. Rickenbacker the company did.
(In 1932, the company became the world's first to produce electric guitars; founded in 1931 by Adolph Rickenbacher and George Beauchamp)
(b) "His subjects vary in scope from public-works projects like the Southern California Aqueduct to everyday items like Liquid Paper and the lowly safety pin."
(A) California Aqueduct. Encyclopaedia Britannica, undated
("California Aqueduct, in full Governor Edmund G Brown California Aqueduct, principal water-conveyance structure of the California State Water Project, US. From the Sacramento River delta east of San Francisco, it runs south through the San Joaquin Valley and over the summit of the Tehachapi Mountains, a distance of 273 miles (440 km). At this point it divides into east and west branches, the former terminating some 444 miles (715 km) from the delta. The aqueduct is the world’s largest water-conveyance system, comprising more than 20 pumping stations, 130 hydroelectric plants, and more than 100 dams and flow-control structures. Channel sizes vary along the aqueduct, a typical section being a concrete-lined canal 40 feet (12 metres) wide at the base, with 30 feet (9 metres) the average depth of flow. The California State Water Project, begun in 1960, is designed to yield millions of acre-feet of water annually to southern California from sources in the northern portion of the state")
(B) Dennis Silverman, California Water Projects Feeding Southern California. Univ of California Irvine, Apr 28, 2015 (blog)
(C) There is a Tehachapi Pass
(elevation 1,149m)
in Tehachapi Mountains, near Tehachapi, California.,_California
(a city; section 2 History: name origin uncertain)
(ii) Compare
(A) Liquid Paper
(B) Wite-Out
(Wite-Out dates to 1966, by George Kloosterhouse; now owned by BIC Corp)