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发表于 10-31-2016 17:34:14 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
黄安伟, 中国沙漠危机,天灾还是人祸? 纽约时报中文网, Oct 28, 2016
http://cn.nytimes.com/china/2016 ... ion-troy-sternberg/
("本周,《纽约时报》刊登了两篇记者发自中国北方沙漠的报道,检视那些被政府称为 '生态移民' 的人的困境。第一篇用视觉叙事的手法讲述了居住在不断扩大的腾格里沙漠东部边缘人们的故事。第二篇是关于宁夏回族自治区推行的世界上最大的移民安置计划的。 中国政府已在阻止沙漠扩大化、重新安置这些地区的人民方面做出不少努力。但是,政府做的事情正确吗?接受采访时,牛津大学从事地理研究的特洛伊·斯滕伯格(Troy Sternberg)谈了自己的看法")

Note: This interview is not published in print.
(1) Josh Haner, 黄安伟, Derek Watkins and Jeremy White, 生活在中国庞大的沙海生活在中国广阔沙漠的边缘的人们,面临着因为气候变化而流离失所的境地. 纽约时报中文网, Oct 24, 2016.
www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016 ... ing-deserts-cn.html

, which is translated from

Josh Haner, Edward Wong, Derek Watkins and Jeremy White, Living in China's Expanding Deserts; People on the edges of the country's vast seas of sand are being displaced by climate change. New York Times, Oct 24, 2016.

Note: 腾格里沙漠  Tengger Desert

(2) 黄安伟, 无望的迁徙:中国的 '生态移民.' 纽约时报中文网, Oct 25, 2016.
http://cn.nytimes.com/china/2016 ... hua-shengtai-yimin/

, which is translated from

Edward Wong, Wrenching Resettlement in China, with More Likely to Come. New York Times, Oct 25, 2016 (front page).


China "has resettled 1,140,000 residents ['Economic Migrants'] of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region"

"As in much of northern China, most of Ningxia's 26,000 square miles are desert, including the areas chosen for resettlement. Government officials say places like Miaomiao Lake 庙庙湖村 are still an improvement over Xihaigu 西海固[地区的叶家河村] — the vast region of southern and central Ningxia where the Mas and the other migrants came from — because they are closer to highways; to Yinchuan, Ningxia's capital; and to the Yellow River, a major water source that helped give birth to Chinese civilization.

"A third of Ningxia's population — and most of the people who have been resettled — are Hui Muslim. Some Western scholars say Chinese resettlement policies are at least partly aimed at controlling ethnic minority populations, and officials may cite environmental reasons as a cover.

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