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No Way Taiwan Lines Will Merge

发表于 11-4-2016 11:02:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
No Way Taiwan Lines Will Merge, Yang Ming Chairman Says. JOC, Nov 03, 2016.
http://www.joc.com/maritime-news ... -says_20161103.html

(a) Press release: IHS Completes Acquisition of JOC Group, Leading Global Supplier of US Seaborne Trade Intelligence. IHS, Dec 10, 2014.
http://news.ihsmarkit.com/press- ... bal-supplier-us-sea
(ENGLEWOOD, Colo (December 10, 2014) – IHS Inc. (NYSE: IHS), a leading global source of critical information and insight, today announced it has completed its acquisition of JOC Group Inc., the world’s authoritative provider of business intelligence, information and events for trade, transportation and logistics professionals. IHS first announced its intent to acquire this business on November 11, 2014. The closing occurred on Dec 9, 2014")
(i) IHS Markit
(IHS = Information Handling Services; based in London; Founded 1959l twio companies IHS and Markit merged, which was completed in July 2016)
(ii) Company Overview of JOC Group Inc. Bloomberg, undated
http://www.bloomberg.com/researc ... sp?privcapId=626789
("JOC Group Inc publishes Journal of Commerce [hence its current company name], a weekly news magazine. * * * The company also operates The Journal of Commerce Online * * * JOC Group Inc was formerly known as UBM Global Trade, Inc. The company was founded in 1827 and is based in Newark, New Jersey")
(ii) When the company change name to JOC?

JOC Group
("Electra acquired JOC Group Inc in April 2013 from UK based events-led marketing services and communications company, UBM plc. The company changed its name to JOC Group Inc following that acquisition (previously UBM Global Trade Inc)" )

(b) The above report is front and central in the JOC.com.
(c) 陽明海運
(董事長 謝志堅; 總部 基隆市)
(d) News media in Taiwan reported Nov 2, 2016 online that 陽明海運 executive cut their own salaries, citing 今年前二季 (or 上半年; 稅後) 已經虧損 (新台幣) 84.62億元 (exchange rate: NT$32 = US$1). This can be found in 陽明海運 (民國) 105年度第二季合併季財務報告. Aug 12, 2016 (date on page 4)
(page 6: "單位: 新台幣仟元  [2nd column from the right] 105年1月1日至6月30日/  代碼 8200 本期淨利(損)/ 金額 8,450,550")

I go through the trouble, because Taiwanese reporters are lazy and news media has almost no fact checkers. So various news reports on this on Nov 2 said different things, about the loss: one said the first THREE quarters lost that amount, and another reported "前三季虧損已經破百億元" --without identifying what 前三季 means. (My belief is it means the last quarter of 2015 also, rather than the third quarter of 2016 in addition, because the latter has not been released, according to company's website: 財務報表及月營收資訊.
www.yangming.com/investor_relati ... al_information.aspx

張佩芬. 新聞側寫-董座謝志堅: 減薪展決心 要讓客戶放心. Taipei: China Times, Nov 3, 2016
(陽明海運董事長 "謝志堅坦言,雖然國際海運市場都在關注陽明海運與長榮海運是否合併,但合併有存續合併和創新合併,日本三大即是創新合併,將合組一家新公司。但不論是哪一種,估計政府、立法院都不會同意讓陽明消失,長榮集團也不會允許長榮海運消失。因此他接掌陽明後,就要公司對外闢謠,說明沒有合併計劃")

(e) 陳景淵, 張榮發左右手謝志堅掌陽明 震撼海運圈. 經濟日報, June 23, 2016
("行政院敲定,長榮國際顧問謝志堅轉任陽明海運董事長 * * * 對陽明來說,昔日的對手成了董座 * * * 謝志堅是老長榮人,今年屆滿65歲,是已故總裁張榮發倚重的大將,在海運界歷練超過40年,其中有半數20年時間外派海外 * * * 謝志堅因對海運事業相當嫻熟,不僅是張榮發在海運事業的左右手,張榮發辭世後,其遺囑指名三位老臣要多多指導張國煒,謝志堅亦名列其中,不過因為月前長榮兩房之爭,隨著二房獨子張國煒離開長榮,謝志堅從原本長榮集團次席副總裁轉任長榮國際顧問。由於長榮並沒有對員工設下旋轉門條款 [[non-competitive clause inthe employment contract],若有對手挖角,僅需解除原本在長榮的職務,便可以轉任")

In other words, billionaire 張榮發 failed estate planning: He designated 張國煒 ( a grown-up) as sole head of his business empire, and entrusted -- 托孤 -- 謝志堅 and two others. But 大房子女 led a coup d'etat weeks after the death of 張榮發, and the losers in the power struggle were chucked out.

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