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The Obama Administration, on Final Days, Decided to Sell Taiwan Link-16 and -11

发表于 1-22-2017 15:04:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 1-22-2017 15:42 编辑

羅添斌, 台美軍購 國造新艦將裝美Link16系統. Liberty Times, Jan 22, 2017
("軍方高層官員透露,在美國新任總統川普上任前夕,台美已簽署一項金額達廿一億五千餘萬元台幣的軍購案,將由美方為我國新造各式軍艦,加裝「Link16」及「Link11」戰術資訊傳輸鏈路系統,並為現役軍艦現有的系統進行更新,此舉將讓海軍各式新型軍艦具備與美軍太平洋司令部、第七艦隊作戰資訊通聯及即時傳輸的能力,有助於台美更加緊密的軍事實質合作。 * * * [section heading:] 狀況需要 美方可備位指揮管制")

My comment:
(a) The heading 狀況需要 美方可備位指揮管制 is intriguing. Yet the following text fails to live up to the high expectation, saying nothing on this issue.  However, the report below does explain.
(b) From the clause "由美方為我國新造各式軍艦," I got the wrong impression that US will make brand NEW warships for Taiwan, which has never happened but sounds unlikely. That is when I seek news in English language. The following is the only I can find.

Luo Tien-pin and William Hetherington, Purchase of US Naval System Finalized. Taipei Times (sister publication of Liberty Times), Jan 22, 2017

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