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德国之声, Jan 25, 2017

发表于 1-25-2017 09:40:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 苗子, 东风-41部署中俄边境?克里姆林宫不担心.
http://www.dw.com/zh/%E4%B8%9C%E ... ?&zhongwen=simp
("中国《环球时报》1月24日发布社评 '东风-41被传列装 中国将获更多尊重。' 其中引述 '台湾和香港多家媒体' 称,大陆互联网近日曝光"东风-41"洲际导弹现身公路的照片,从照片同时拍到的地方车辆牌照看,地点属于黑龙江大庆")

My comment: Yesterday (Jan 24, the day of its publication) I read the foreign media's reports that Global Times had such an editorial. I tried to read itmyself, but the Global Times editorial could not be accessed. Today, I try again, and the same happens.

(2) 买中国潜艇 泰政府放行.
("泰国政府周三宣布批准向中国购买价值为3.8亿美元的潜艇项目 * * * 除潜艇外,泰国还将从中国购置10辆坦克以及辅助车辆。去年,泰国已从中国订购了28辆作战坦克。泰国于2014年发生军事政变后,同美国的关系陷入冷淡,但同时加强了同中国的交往")

(a) The above is basically a translation of a Reuters report (Google: 11 hours ago), following Bangkok Post ("20 hours ago"). It is 12 noon, EDT, Jan 27.
(b) The second clause of the quotation above is translated from the same report of Reuters': "the Thai army will purchase 10 tanks and auxiliary vehicles from China, in addition to 28 main battle tanks ordered from China last year."
(c) The Reuters report itself does not say how many subs to buy -- only the amount of this year's budget for the subs. However, IHS Jane's reported ("6 hours ago"): "Thailand's military government has approved funding of THB13.5 billion (USD383 million) to support the Royal Thai Navy's (RTN's) plan to procure the first of three S26T (Thailand) submarines from China."

(3) 安静, 专访:德国小伙摇身变中国网红.
("阿福的本名叫Thomas Derksen")

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