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郭文贵海外爆料引发关注 剑指十九大权力换届?

发表于 3-11-2017 09:25:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 3-11-2017 12:17 编辑

忻霖, 郭文贵海外爆料引发关注 剑指十九大权力换届?  RFA, Mar 10, 2017.

My comment:
(a) "一直藏身海外的北京盘古氏投资有限公司 [Beijing Pangu Investment, Inc] 实际控制人郭文贵,继上月突然现身,爆料现任公安部常务副部长傅政华贪腐丑闻引发巨大关注后,3月8日的两会期间,郭文贵又第二次爆料,宣称他所掌握的中共高层黑幕,足够引发千万人上街抗议。"

Like many other Chinese-language news reports, this report does not tell where the interviews took place (and when the first interview was held). My research shows that the two interviews, both conducted by 明鏡新闻 Mingjing News, was on Jan 26 and Mar 8, 2017, respectively. There is no transcript on the Web, and it appears that 明鏡 does not make available online its TEXT report (ie, Mingjing News might have locked the report behind paywall, if there is one.)

(b) Mingjing News published the two interview also in YouTube, which says the (1) lasted fifty eight minutes, and the (ii), three hours and six minutes. The YouTube site for (i) also explains "《法治與社會》第1期節目時間:美國東部時間2017年1月26日(星期四)." Thus 法治與社會 is not a book.
(i) 直播:明镜电视专访郭文贵(第一集). Mingjing News, published on Mar 10, 2017.
("时间:美国东部时间2017年 1月26日(星期四) 上午9:30[;] 主持人:陈小平 " with the screen saying, "直播:郭文貴曝內幕,北京不安的是些什麼人 (《法治與內幕》第一期)")
(ii) 直播:明镜电视专访郭文贵(第二集). Mingjing News, published on Mar 11, 2017.
("时间:美国东部时间2017年3月8日上午10:00[;] 主持人:陈小平")

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