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美亞太助卿人選 支持蔡川通話

发表于 4-12-2017 16:34:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
曹郁芬, 美亞太助卿人選 支持蔡川通話. Liberty Times, Apr 13, 2017.


懷頓(Christian Whiton) "懷頓二○○三至○九年在小布希政府服務,○九年與曾在副總統錢尼手下擔任國家安全事務副助理的葉望輝共同創立DCIA公關公司。川普去年與台灣總統蔡英文通話後,懷頓與葉望輝曾於十二月四日聯名在福斯電視新聞網的網路上撰寫文章,支持蔡川通話是正確的舉動 * * *

"華府外交圈原本在元月傳出在香港「蘇利文.克倫威爾」律師事務所擔任合夥人的麥可德(Michae Desombre)接替羅素,出任亞太助卿,成為川普團隊中另一個非華府建制派的圈外人。麥可德曾到華府接受面談,不過由於提勒森本人已是圈外人,希望由了解亞太事務,並有公職經驗的人接任亞太助卿以為輔助,麥可德因而出局。

My comment:
(a) It is unclear whether DCIA is still active, whose contact in its website is as follows:

"Phone  +1-855-529-3242[;] Mailing Address  354 W Sunnyside Rd, Suite A[,] Idaho Falls, ID 83402   USA"  (The 855 is a toll-free number, just like 800.)

DC International Advisory
("Stephen J Yates, Chief Executive Officer; Christian Whiton, Principal)" )
(b) Stephen Yates and Christian Whiton, Why Trump Was Right to Talk with Taiwan's President. Fox News Opinion, Dec 4, 2016.
www.foxnews.com/opinion/2016/12/ ... wans-president.html
(c) "懷頓曾撰寫「巧實力:外交與戰爭之間」一書,並由曾服務過五任美國總統的杜布林斯 [Paula Dobriansky (1955- ; foreword) ] 基為他寫序。"

Christian Whiton, Smart Power; Between diplomacy and war. Potomac Books, 2013.
(d) I still remember

Seima Oki and Yuko Mukai, US Expected to Use 'Taiwan Card' to Put Pressure on China. The Japan News (Yomiuri), Apr 2, 2017
("According to sources, the possible lineup of senior officials of the US Defense and State departments includes Randall Schrive * * * and Stephen Yates")

, for which I wrote a posting that day.

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