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发表于 5-2-2017 12:17:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 5-4-2017 17:53 编辑

聯合報, May 1, 2017
("江澤民日前拉二胡的視頻在大陸網路上曝光,在今年中共即將舉行十九大之際,領導層將進行換屆,江澤民低調曝光 * * * 視頻中,江澤民與一位女琴師和三位男琴師共同演奏 * * * 這是繼二0一五年秋天,中秋節一小型公開場合拉奏胡琴(視頻直到次年秋天才對外曝光)後,最新的視頻曝光,向世人展示了他活得很健康")

My comment:
(a) "低調曝光." I do not know what it means. What I can find is as follows.
(i) The only news about this topic is two of today, both in in Chinese: first is from Radio Free China and then from 法广 (which cited RFA and 聯合報).  Nothing from news media within China or in English.
(ii) I fail to find comments or video in the Web, except

著名二胡演奏家江泽民先生精彩演奏!  YouTube, published by "Xi Gou" on Apr 22, 2017.
(b) Take notice that in this video, fingers of Mr Jiang Zemin is not as fast as the male and female 二胡 players in the background. Besides, Jiang appeared to repeat the same hand movements again and again -- leaving me wonder whether he was really good at it.
(c) As the 聯合報 report explains, there is in the Web another 江泽民 二胡 video "二0一五年 * * * 中秋節一小型公開場合拉奏胡琴(視頻直到次年秋天才對外曝光)."


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