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发表于 5-3-2017 17:28:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Rajneesh Bhandari, 台湾情侣雪山被困逾月,一人奇迹生还. 纽约时报中文网, May 3, 2017

, which is translated from

Rajneesh Bhandari, After 47 Days, a Crew Found Two Bodies. Then One Spoke. New York Times, May 3, 2017.


"KATHMANDU, Nepal — * * * Over the course of 47 days, since two young Taiwanese trekkers wandered off the trail in a snowstorm, the searchers had tried almost everything: aerial surveys by helicopter, bushwhacking through deep forest, trying to follow the movements of vultures.

"Alerted by a fellow searcher who saw what he assumed were two bodies on the ledge, the leader of the rescue team, Madhab Basnet, carefully made his way to the site * * * When he reached the ledge, he was shocked when one of the two, an emaciated and badly weakened young man, spoke to him. * * * 'He [Liang Sheng-Yueh] said his girlfriend was in a lot of pain and grief,' Mr Basnet said. 'He said he ate salt and water and that's how he survived.' * * * It was not immediately clear where he got the salt, but Mr. Liang was an experienced climber who might have carried an extra supply in case of such a disaster. Ms Liu [Chen Chi, his girlfriend] appeared to have died of starvation, said Dr Mani Maharjan, who performed an autopsy.

"The two hikers * * * arrived in Nepal for their trek in February and were last seen on March 9.  After becoming disoriented in a snowstorm, they tried to follow the path of a river, in hopes that it would lead them to a settlement, Mr. Liang told his rescuers and local news media immediately after the rescue. Since then, he has declined all interview requests at the behest of the Taiwanese government [Taiwanese news media attributes the sudden sign-off to his family].

"The lost trekkers were first spotted by Dawa Tamang, 55, a farmer who was helping the rescue effort.

"Over six days in the hospital, Mr Liang gained 13 pounds, the doctor said.

My comment: There is no need to read the rest of this report. I doubt, though, his regard for salt. If one is lost in the sea, he can not drink sea water (but have to wait for rain water) because drinking sea water makes one even more thirsty. (it takes a lot of energy for a kidney to extract sodium from blood and excrete the ion.)

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