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蔡總統談新南向 陸媒關注稱大陸為中國

发表于 5-6-2017 10:39:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Regarding spinal cord injury. Humans have a spinal cord 脊髓 housed in the spinal column 脊柱, consisting of vertebrae (which is the plural form of Latin noun feminine vertebra, from verb vertere to turn) 脊椎骨.  Humans have seven cervical vertebrae (C1->C7, the same as a giraffe; counting from the skull down), twelve thoracic vertebrae (T1->T12; each connected to a pair of ribs), five lumbar vertebrae 腰椎, five sacral vertebrae and three to five coccygeal vertebrae (but usually four).

In chronological order.

(1) 新聞稿: 總統接受印度、印尼、馬來西亞、菲律賓、新加坡及泰國等六國媒體聯訪. 中華民國總統府, May 5, 2017.
http://www.president.gov.tw/Defa ... =39157&rmid=514




(a) The quotations are the 5th, 4th and 2nd paragraphs of the press release, in that order.
(b) She mentions 中國, as opposed to 中國 or 中國大陸.
(c) "蔡英文總統今(5)日上午接受印度「印度人報」(The Hindu)、印尼「指南日報」(Kompas)、馬來西亞「太陽報」(The Sun)、菲律賓「每日詢問者報」(The Philippine Daily Inquirer)、新加坡「海峽時報」(The Straits Times),以及泰國「民族報」(The Nation)等6家國際媒體聯合專訪"

They are all English-language dailies, except Kompas in local language. The Sun is free.
(c) Central News Agency, owned by Taiwanese government refers to "China" five times in the text (besides one in the title) --without using "mainland."  See Sophia Yeh and Ko Lin, Taiwan's Southbound Policy not About Competing with China: Tsai. CNA, May 5, 2017

(2) 蔡總統談新南向 陸媒關注稱大陸為中國. Central News Agency, May 6, 2017
("「中國台灣網」,並且註明原標題:「蔡英文拉外媒辯解『新南向』 致辭全文改稱『大陸』為『中國』」")

Note: Apparently China and Taiwan use different quotation marks. 原標題 in China is: 蔡英文拉外媒辯解 "新南向" 致辭全文改稱 "大陸" 為 "中國."


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