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台湾核武 '终结者'

发表于 5-18-2017 11:35:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 5-19-2017 11:38 编辑

萧霭君, 台湾核武 '终结者':一段不为人知的故事. BBC Chinese, May 18, 2017

, which is translated from

Cindy Sui, The man who helped prevent a nuclear crisis. BBC, May 19, 2017.
("When Mr Chang was recruited by the CIA in the early 1980s, he was the deputy director at Taiwan's Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, which was responsible for the nuclear weapons programme")

(a) Chang Hsien-yi 張憲義 (1943- ) and his wife 洪美鳳

(b) "a memoir, titled Nuclear! Spy? CIA: Record of an Interview with Chang Hsien-yi.  The book, written with academic Chen Yi-shen and published in December" 2016
(i) 陳儀深訪問, 核彈!間諜?CIA:張憲義訪問紀錄. 讀書共和國/遠足文化, 2016 (e-book; in Chinese, not in English).
(ii) 陳儀深: 政治大學政治研究所博士(1987), 中央研究院近代史研究所副研究員 associate research fellow, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sicnica

(i) 羅添斌, 張憲義28年前叛逃美國 CIA助從高雄出境; 中科院核研所副所長任內叛逃. Liberty Times, Apr 27, 2016
("張憲義上月接受中研院歷史學者陳儀深的口述歷史訪談 * * * 上月廿四日至卅一日期間,於美國接受 * * * 訪談")
(ii) 羅添斌, 叛逃者張憲義:台灣曾計畫IDF載原子彈 反擊中國. Liberty Times, Jan 8, 2017
("將於明天在台舉行新書發表會,張憲義將以越洋視訊方式接受媒體提問 * * * 在美方介入下,台灣被迫已經不能研發地對地中程彈道飛彈(可用以攜帶原子彈彈頭)")

I was unaware that US discouraged Taiwan from developing ballistic missiles. But I have alway question the usefulness of a nuclear bomb for Taiwan, for there was no way to project it to Chinese mainland. I only learn of IDF today, whose serviceability is doubtful as both sides of Taiwan Strait have numerous anti-aircraft missiles, that an airplane simply had no way of getting close to the other side.

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