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纽约时报中文网, Aug 17, 2017

发表于 8-17-2017 09:23:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 8-17-2017 11:10 编辑

(1) 储百亮, 《战狼2》点燃中国人的鹰派爱国主义激情. 纽约时报中文网, Aug 17, 2017

, which is translated from

Chris Buckley, A Chinese Hero Beats Records (and Westerners); Movie's success points to a nation's mood. (front page).
(Wolf Warrior 2)

Excerpt in the window f print: A reflection of a hawkish patriotism promoted by a nation's president.

(2) Jane Perlez, 对朝新制裁殃及中国海鲜批发商. 纽约时报中文网, Aug 17, 2017
https://cn.nytimes.com/asia-paci ... ea-seafood-exports/

, which is translated from

Jane Perlez, Chinese Traders Furious over Sanctions on North Korean Seafood; Wholesalers face huge loss as China cracks down on its imports.

(3) Carolyn and 孟宝勒, 《王者荣耀》玩家规避中国政府的家长式审查. 纽约时报中文网, Aug 17, 2017

, which is translated from

Carolyn and Paul Mozur, Chinese Video Game Draws Rule Breakers.
("In China, teenagers can purchase a fake ID online for as little as $2 * * * to play a game on their phones [without restriction].  More than 200 million people in China play Honor of Kings * * *  the biggest moneymaking smartphone game in the world. * * * But the game's popularity among the young has alarmed Chinese officials. In response, [its creator] Tencent has added restrictions that limit those under age 12 to an hour of play a day, and those between 12 and 18 to two hours a day")

(4) Carlos Tejada, 阿里腾讯等科技巨头入股中国联通. 纽约时报中文网, Aug 17, 2017
https://cn.nytimes.com/business/ ... alibaba-soe-reform/

Note: In the home page of cn.nytimes.com (but not in the report itself), there is a subtitle: 或为重启混合所有制改革的信号.

, which is translated from

Carlos Tejada, China Giants Back a Deal on Telecom.
(China Unicom "said on Wednesday [Aug 15] that its parent company would raise $11.7 billion by selling shares to a number of Chinese firms as well as to employees. All together, the outside companies would have roughly a one-third share in the Unicom group. China Unicom said the funds would be used to help pay for development of a next-generation cellular and data network, among other uses. It also 'expects to further optimize its corporate governance structure in accordance with the market-oriented principles,' it said in a filing.  The deal comes two years after China announced a plan to inject some private-sector moxie into the country's state-run giants")

(5) Nick Pachelli, 站在人生十字路口的华裔网球姑娘. 纽约时报中文网, Aug 17, 2017
(刘婧文 Claire Liu)

Note: "父母来自浙江"   "母亲 [周雯] 是浙江嘉兴人"  two excerpts from the Web

, which is translated from

Nick Pachelli, Decision Time: Go to College or Turn Pro; A rising player has often gone against the typical narrative. New York Times, Aug 16, 2017 (first-page top report in the Sports section).

Note: a photo caption: " * * * Unlike a majority of top juniors, she has never attended a tennis academy and did not leave home to pursue the sport.

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