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中国页岩气革命威胁 '西伯利亚力量'

发表于 8-21-2017 15:47:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(a) China's Shale Gas Output Jumps in 2016. Xinhua, July 11, 2017
("Its shale gas yield increased 76.3 percent to 7.9 billion cubic meters in 2016, a record high, the Ministry of Land and Resources (MLF) said Monday in a statement")

My comment: There is no need to read the rest of this report. With this report, I merely wish to demonstrate that 页岩气 in the Chinese-language reports means shale gas. I doubt the veracity of the reports, though, because it is hard to get shale gas outside US, from past experience. The problem is to retrieve shale oil or gas, it takes a lot of water, and requires almost undisturbed shales. China has neither in areas with large shale gas reserve, with earthquakes disrupting shales
(b) 庞无忌, 2016年中国页岩气产量居世界第三. 中新社, Aug 15, 2017
("中国国土资源部地质勘查司司长于海峰15日在北京透露,2016年中国页岩气产量达到了78.82亿立方米,仅次于美国、加拿大,位居世界第三位。 在当日的新闻发布会上,于海峰表示")

(2) 刘新宇, 俄媒:中国页岩气革命威胁 '西伯利亚力量.' RFA, Aug 21, 2017
http://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yata ... 08212017125129.html
("据官方媒体人民日报引述中国国土资源部的数据报道称,2017 [sic; should be 2016] 年中国开采页岩气近79亿立方米 * * * 已有消息称,中方已经叫停了双方此前已经签订协议,并计划继续推出的 '西伯利亚力量2' [Siberia Power 2] 的合作计划")

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