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发表于 8-30-2017 10:49:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 8-30-2017 10:51 编辑

(1) Sidney Leng, Controversy over Plan to Help Revive 'Rust Belt' Province. South China Morning Post, Aug 28, 2017.
(In "a 300,000-word policy proposal," "Justin Lin Yifu * * * proposed that Jilin * * * encourage light and textile industries to move from the country's coastal areas, where labour costs are higher. Jilin should also consider expanding heavy industry and manufacturing. * * * Jilin reported 6.9 per cent GDP growth last year, but neighbouring Liaoning province reported a contraction of 2.5 per cent")

My comment:
(a) The above is print title. The online title is more apt: China's Once Great Northeast Is Now a Rust Belt – and No One Knows How to Fix It; Critics warn that former World Bank vice-president’s proposals to lure lighter industries to Jilin lack common sense
(b) There is no need to read the rest.

(2) 夏乐 XIA Le, 振兴东北离不开合理产业政策. 金融时报, Aug 30, 2017.

Quote: "近日北京大学新结构经济学研究中心 [Center for New Structural Economics] 林毅夫团队发布的《吉林省经济结构转型升级研究报告(征求意见稿)》(以下简称 '吉林转型报告')* * * 基于笔者多年来对东北经济的认识。作为一个旅居外地但长期关注家乡经济的东北人,笔者认为东北经济存在两个重要的“症状”。首先,东北地区的经济增长问题不是所谓经济突然“坍塌”的问题,而是长期经济增长相对乏力的问题。之前官方数字虚高造成快速发展的假象,而近几年政府挤压经济数据中的水分形成糟糕的统计数字,很大程度上是在为之前数字造假的买单。其次,近两年东北经济的确受到经济周期的影响,暴露出当地产业单一的问题。特别由于传统产业在东北地区占有重要地位,因此东北经济受到的周期性冲击要比其他地区严重。

My comment:
(a) This article says "夏乐 为FT中文网撰稿," which hence does not appear in the English-language portion of the newspaper (in print or online),
(b) This article introduces 夏乐 , as "西班牙对外银行研究部亚洲首席经济学家 [Chief Economist, Asia, in Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA, which is acronym of a bank) Research] * * * 亦为中国人民大学国际货币研究所特约研究员"
(c) Biscay
(Basque: Bizkaia, Spanish: Vizcaya; a province -- located just south of the Bay of Biscay -- in Basque Country)
(d) There is no need to read the rest, because the author can not provide a solution, either, in my view.

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