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張忠謀 on Moore's Law + 高市警購特戰頭盔、夜視鏡

发表于 9-24-2017 14:25:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 王駿杰, 台積電生產基地留台灣// 張忠謀反對5+2產業 籲做好基礎建設. Liberty Times, Sept 24, 2017.

(a) "對於政府的產業政策,張忠謀直言,反對「五加二」產業,把土地、道路交通、水、電及法律系統等基礎設施弄好是政府的責任,至於民間要做什麼產業,政府最好不要介入太多"
(i) 5+2?
(A) The 5+2 Industrial Innovation Plan 「五加二」產業創新計畫. Taiwan Business Topics (published by American Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan), May 2017 (cover story)
https://amcham.com.tw/wp-content ... Business-TOPICS.pdf
("The Tsai administration is making a heavy commitment of resources to promoting seven sectors of the economy as the key to transforming Taiwan's industry.  The initial five 'pillar industries' were the Internet of Things (also referred to as Asia·Silicon Valley), Biomedical, Green
Energy, Smart Machinery, and Defense.  Added later were high-value agriculture and the circular economy")
(B) 推動產業創新. National Development Council, Taiwan  國家發展委員會, undated (in the category of 重大政策).
https://www.ndc.gov.tw/Content_L ... pn=6E972F5C30BF198F
("為加速產業升級轉型,[蔡英文] 政府正積極推動「亞洲‧矽谷」、「智慧機械」、「綠能科技」、「生技醫藥」、「國防」、「新農業」及「循環經濟」等產業創新,作為驅動台灣下世代產業成長的核心,期達成數位國家、智慧島嶼、服務業高值化、非核家園及節能減碳願景。 上開產業創新的共同特徵,是具有一定的國內需求,可藉此帶動新投資,推升產業發展的層次。此外,這些產業創新也具有在地特色,可結合地區優勢及發展條件,打造創新研發產業聚落")
(ii) circular economy
("This is contrast to a linear economy which is a 'take, make, dispose' model of production")

(b) "面對聽眾提到「摩爾定律」,張忠謀說,一九九八年英特爾(Intel)總裁貝瑞特來台時,兩人曾討論「摩爾定律」(指晶片上可容納的電晶體密度,約每十八至二十四個月會增加一倍)可延續多久,他當時回答有十五年,貝瑞特回答大概還有十年;現在是二○一七年,兩人的答案都錯了。 張忠謀認為,台積電明年將生產七奈米製程,五奈米已研發得差不多了,三奈米也做了兩至三年,看來也會出來。 * * * 他解釋,預測「摩爾定律」應可再走十年,是包含三奈米製程,兩奈米則有不確定性。"

Craig Barrett (chief executive)
(1939- ; Intel president (1997-1998), CEO (1998-2005) and chairman (2005-2009) )

(2) 黃良傑, 特戰頭盔、夜視鏡 高市警添利器. Liberty Times, Sept 24, 2017

My comment:
(a) from the Web: "Ops-Core was the company to first bring the FAST helmet to market, acronym for Future Assault Shell Technology."

(b) About Us. Ops-Core, undated   
(based in Boston; "Founded in 2005 with the introduction of a unique, modular, scalable, open-architecture helmet system design for Special Operations Forces, Ops-Core was acquired in 2011 by Gentex Corp")
(i) I have not heard of it, though.
(ii) The headquarters of Gentex Corp is at Simpson, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvaia -- a census-designated place with 1,275 residents. The seat of Lackawanna County is Scranton, the sixth most populous city in Pennsylvania with a 2016 population of 77,291 (estimate).

(c) My bringing it to your attention does not necessarily mean that I approve it. Many in US oppose militarization of local police forces, such as Humvee, which US military gave away after Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan but which a lot of American cities have returned.
(d) Further, in US, unless a hostage taker's threats to kill law-enforcement officers(a) or hostage(s) appears to materialize soon, a government sniper can not harm, much less kill -- the hostage taker. FBI learned a hard lesson in Ruby Ridge.
("The Weaver property was located in northern Idaho in Boundary County, on a hillside on Ruby Creek opposite Caribou Ridge near Naples;"  section 3.3 Sniper shots: R. Weaver wounding, V. Weaver killing)

Quote: (the aftermath "The surviving members of the Weaver family filed a wrongful death suit for $200 million. In an out-of-court settlement in August 1995, the federal government awarded Randy Weaver $100,000 and his three daughters $1 million each. The government did not admit any wrongdoing in the deaths of Sammy and Vicki. On the condition of anonymity, a DOJ [US Department of Justice] official told the Washington Post that he believed the Weavers probably would have won the full amount if the case had gone to trial. * * * The Boundary County, Idaho, prosecutor indicted FBI HRT [acronym for Hostage Rescue Team] sniper Lon Horiuchi [Japanese surname 堀内] for manslaughter in 1997 before the statute of limitations for this charge could expire; the Idaho v Horiuchi case was moved to federal court which has jurisdiction over federal agents, where it underwent a sovereign immunity dismissal, an en banc reversal on appeal of the dismissal, and ultimately, the dropping of charges after a change in the local prosecutor.

* There was no hostage in the siege, which arose when US Marshals tried to arrest to Randy Weaver with an arrest warrant.

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