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发表于 1-29-2011 10:38:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

侯静, 锻铸共和国水下利剑——记海军北海舰队某基地长城200号潜艇. 科技日报 (Beijing), Jan 23, 2011.
(我军执行水下发射试验任务的海军 长城200号潜艇: "历史记录了这庄严的一刻:1982年10月12日15时,随着一声震撼世界的口令,运载火箭以雷霆万钧之势破浪而出,在碧海蓝天画出了一道长长的弧线。我国首次水下发射运载火箭获得成功!")

My comment:
(a) Obviously China wants the world to know about the repor, which was first published in an obscure Chinese-language newspaper.

Chao Lei, Submarine crew submerge selves for greater good. China Daily, Jan 29, 2011.


"Changcheng 200, or Great Wall 200, reportedly entered service in September 1964 and later conducted test launches for sea-based missiles. The submarine belongs to the North Sea Fleet.

"On Oct 12, 1982, the submarine conducted China's first underwater test launch for a carrier rocket, which was interpreted by many foreign military analysts as showing China's capability to launch a sea-based nuclear counterattack.

"But the name Changcheng 200 never appeared in the media until Aug 4, 2010, when Chinese President Hu Jintao, also the Central Military Commission chairman, signed an order to award it the honorary title 'Vanguard Submarine of Underwater Test Launches.'

(b) Peking Fires Its First Submarine-Launched Missile. Reuters, Oct 17, 1982.
(abstract; citing Xinhua)

(c) Though the name of the test-launch submarine was unknown abroad until 2010, it is well known that it was/is Golf-class.

"Although the Soviets provided a Golf-class ballistic-missile submarine, the missile it fired was a navalized Scud: the Chinese had to develop their own technology for a naval IRBM. The missile's solid-fuel motor was first tested in 1978, it was fired from a pontoon on April 30, 1982, and the Golf-class test submarine first fired it submerged on October 12, 1982, to a range of 1,600 km. JL-1 was first fired by the Xia-class submarine during July 1988."
Norman Friedman, The Naval Institute guide to world naval weapon systems. Naval Institute Press (5th ed, 2006), at page 504.

(d) Maybe China's efforts to launch missiles underwater is all for naught.

"China’s nuclear arsenal currently consists of * * * JL-1 submarinelaunched ballistic missiles (SLBM) for the XIA-class SSBN, although the operational status of the XIA-class SSBN/JL-1 combination remains questionable."
ANNUAL REPORT TO CONGRESS: Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2010. US Department of Defense, Aug. 17, 2010, at page 34.

(e) It is fair to say that without a submarine as a platform, JL-1 has not been test-fired since late 1988. Put this way, China does NOT have
(i) a submarine capable successfully shooting a missile UNDERWATER,
(ii) or a submarine-launched missile.


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