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美日印澳邀 台 安全對話

发表于 3-12-2018 13:58:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 3-12-2018 14:06 编辑

(1) 呂伊萱, 外交突破 美日印澳邀我安全對話; 首次會議上週在日低調舉行. Liberty Times, Mar 12, 2018.
("美國川普政權正式將亞太區域策略定位為「印太戰略」 ['Indo-Pacific' strategy -- note the small s; Trumps keeps describing "Asia as the 'Indo-Pacific,' rather than the 'Asia-Pacific' ": from the Web],日相安倍晉三力促民主鑽石同盟,美日印澳四個民主國家去年也重啟「四方安全對話」(Quad)。Quad恢復對話後,自下到上具有多層次的溝通架構,Quad-Plus作為Quad的延伸,扮演初步凝聚共識之角色,首次會議上週在日本東京低調舉辦")

My comment:
(a) I fail to find an English-language report for this topic, not even in Liberty Times' sister publication Taipei Times.
(b) "日相安倍晉三力促民主鑽石同盟"

PM Abe coined/ promulgated "Asia's Democratic Security Diamond" (Japanese: セキュリティダイヤモンド; katakana for security dialogue) in 2012 at a international NPO Project Syndicate (based in Prague, Czech Republic). See Shinzo Abe, Asia's Democratic Security Diamond. Dec 27, 2012.
https://www.project-syndicate.or ... e?barrier=accessreg
(c) Quadrilateral Security Dialogue
(QSD, also known as the Quad)
(i) This Wiki page does not mention "plus" at all. I search the Web; still I fail to find who is/are the plus.
(ii) Tanvi Madan, The Rise, Fall and Rebirth of the 'Quad.' War on the Rocks, Nov 16, 2017,
Where the fall was about Australia's PM Kevin Rudd's withdrawal from the organization.

(d) "台灣雖非Quad成員之一,但此次正式受邀出席Quad-Plus會議交流,不僅參加會議,也擔任與談人 [panelist in 座谈会; a term I learn today, apparently originating from PRC] 與講者等角色。 * * * 台灣擔任與談、講者 [speaker] 等角色 [which is sectional heading]"

Frank Chen, China Fears an Indian 'Stab in the Back' If It Fights Taiwan. Asia Times, Nov 28, 2017
http://www.atimes.com/article/ch ... back-fights-taiwan/

two consecutive paragraphs:

"Hong Kong-based military commentator Andrei Chang 平可夫 noted in a column [in his publication Kanwa Defense Review 汉和防务评估] that Beijing is deeply concerned that India might “stab it in the back” if it sends troops in a southeast direction to reclaim Taiwan, should the renegade island declare independence.

"The PLA would have to fight two wars – one in front and a second at the rear – should New Delhi, which has never been amicable with Beijing, take the opportunity to pick a fight on the Chinese border.

My comment: There is no need to read the rest of this report. If I could, I would like to introduce you directly to Andrei Chang's article, which, however, is locked behind paywall.

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 楼主| 发表于 3-12-2018 14:08:41 | 只看该作者
(2) 呂伊萱, 四方安全對話》台灣受邀 因「資訊不能孤立」. Liberty Times, Mar 12, 2018
("Quad架構之下有元首峰會、外交國防二加二峰會與事務官員會議,由於我國並非Quad成員,無從參與這些會議。但Quad-Plus屬於智庫間的交流,且Plus沒有特別指涉台灣,是我方能努力做的方向 * * * 此次與會是由美國與日本智庫主動邀請,在三月四至六日於東京召開的會議")

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