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发表于 3-18-2018 12:48:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 杨明, 台湾著名文人李敖病逝终年83岁. VOA Chinese, Mar 18, 2018.
https://www.voachinese.com/a/tai ... 180317/4303644.html






"李敖还曾多次公开表示 '中华民国' 已经 '灭亡。' 李敖在参选2000年中华民国总统选举时直接表示,他是在选 '中国台湾地区的领导人。'

(2) 黄春梅, 知名作家李敖病逝 早年捍卫自由.晚年大中国情怀. RFA, Mar 18, 2018
https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yat ... 03182018114301.html

My comment:
(a) "李敖在台湾战后最重要的文化杂志之一《文星》力主西化,为胡适辩护掀起中西文化论战,一战成名。《文星》在李敖的主持下,三度遭查禁,最后因为一篇 '我们对『国法党限』的严正表示:以谢然之的作风为例' 一文,引发当局不满,文星遭勒令停刊、走入历史。白色恐怖期间,李敖曾因在1970年帮助台独人士彭明敏逃亡,两度入狱共监禁五年八个月。"
(i) I have heard of none of these, until today! None, including 胡适力主西化, 中西文化论战, 文星, 我们对『国法党限』的严正表示:以谢然之的作风为例, 谢然之. 帮助彭明敏逃亡, 两度入狱.
(ii) I was born in 1957, grew up a;sp om City of Kaohsiung, and left Taiwan in 1984. Mostly likely other Taiwanese at the time -- at least those same age as I or younger -- were the same as I (I have no idea what they learned after my departure).
(iii) My impression while in Taiwan: 胡适 was an apolitical old man who died long ago, and CIA masterminded 彭明敏's escape, which was so secretive that Taiwan did not know where and how. (I only learned that CIA was not behind his escape a few years ago, from news media in Taiwan.)

(b) My impression about him was clinical/ detached -- I did not like or dislike him. I felt that he was egomaniac, always boastful about himself -- much like Donald Trump.
(c) I, as well as other Taiwanese paid attention to him only when it was announced that he and
(b) My impression about him was clinical/ detached -- I did not like or dislike him. I felt that he was egomaniac, always boastful about himself -- much like Donald Trump.
(c) I, as well as other Taiwanese paid attention to him only when it was announced that he and 胡茵夢 were going to get married -- not because she was beautiful (in my eyes) but because they were poles apart in everything. (They were soon divorced.) Because of that, I went to read two articles of his (neiyher of which was about politics, because I did not know he was involved in politics), and was not impressed at all.
(d) You are correct to conclude that our ignorance came from censorship by Taiwan, which is about the same (or maybe somewhat better) as China, then and now.

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