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发表于 3-21-2018 16:46:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
曹郁芬, 人物特寫》台灣女婿黃之瀚 對中立場強硬. Liberty Times, Mar 22, 2018.
("他的妻子是旅美台僑的第二代 * * * 美國商會會長章錦華(Albert Chang)是黃之瀚在哈佛法學院的同學,也是邀他訪台的重要推手。章錦華的父母是來自台灣的移民")

(a) 哈佛幫還有一位做為共和黨總統候選人羅尼競選大將,曾任美國有線電視網評論員的陳仁宜(Lanhee Chen)。說台語也通的陳仁宜和黃之瀚二○一二年搭檔成為羅尼的競選團隊核心"

Lanhee Chen
(1978- ; born in North Carolina and grew up in Southern California; Policy Director, Mitt Romney presidential campaign, 2012: "Chen advised Romney on tax policy;Chen advised Romney on tax policy was named a CNN Political Commentator in 2016)

Quote: "he went to Harvard University, where he earned four degrees (an AB in Government magna cum laude, an AM in Political Science, a JD cum laude, and a PhD in Political Science)

(b) "加州柏克萊大學畢業,目前在智庫「全球台灣研究中心」擔任研究員的安大維(David Ann [sic])也是台裔,在台灣擔任傅爾布萊特學者 [Fulbright Scholar] 做研究時,結識了現任妻子變成台灣女婿。他於二○○九年至二○一四年在美國國務院處理政軍事務。正在攻讀博士學位 [at Department of Politics, Catholic University of America, at DC] 的安大維"
(i) Dabid An. Washington DC: Global Taiwan Institute (a think tank funded by a Taiwanese businessman), undated
("David An was a political-military affairs officer covering the East Asia region at the US State Department from 2009 to 2014 * * * He received his MA from UCSD Graduate School of Global Policy and Strategy and his BA from UC Berkeley")
(ii) This is the first person in or from Taiwan I know of whose surname is An.

(c) "台裔第二代的女性也在華府嶄露頭角。曾經擔任美國國家亞洲研究局政治與安全事務資深主任的馬翊庭、二○四九計劃室副主任柏家珈都是華府研討會上常見的明星。"
(i) Tiffany Ma, National Bureau of Asian Research
(ii) Rachael Burton, Deputy Director at the Project 2049 Institute
("She received her BA in International Affairs with a minor in Chinese at the George Washington University * * * Rachael is a US citizen born and raised in Bangkok, Thailand. She reads and speaks Chinese")

It is unclear whether Burton is her maiden or married (if any) name.

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