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VOA Chinese, Mar 22, 2018

发表于 3-22-2018 16:43:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 3-22-2018 16:47 编辑

(1) 总统国安顾问麦克马斯特辞职 博尔顿将继任.
https://www.voachinese.com/a/MCM ... 180322/4312158.html

Note: That is John Bolton, who a few years back wrote an op-ed to argue for Taiwan's admission to United Nations.

(2) There is no need to read the rest of either report.
(a) 杨明, 《台湾旅行法》生效后 台湾的喜和忧.
https://www.voachinese.com/a/tai ... 180322/4309928.html

the first three paragraphs:



"在黄之瀚还在台湾访问时,台湾外交部22日下午宣布,美国商务部主管制造业的副助理部长史宜恩(Ian Steff)从3月22日至27日访问台湾,就深化台美经贸关系同政府官员和商界人士交换意见。

My comment:
(i) 章锦华 may be telling the truth when he says 几个月前就向黄之瀚发出了来台湾演讲的邀请. The problem is that according to unwritten rules set up by various American administrations since 1979 is that Wong would not have been able to come. I can imagine that the Trump administration, including then Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, was holding on the invitation in anticipation of the pass of Taiwan Travel Act, which might supply a cover.
(ii) This VOA report continues, "作为美台之间关系密切和牢固的象征之一,耗资2亿1600万美元,占地6.5公顷的美国在台协会(AIT)新馆将在今年6月落成。据信,这个位于台北市内湖的全亚洲造价最高的美国驻外机构,采取堡垒式布局,具有反恐设计。"

I do not know about the first clause (象征). But I can not figure out the trouble: Why prepare for terrorist attack in Taiwan?  Will all future US missions be designed against attacks?   

(b) 帕登, 不循规蹈矩,川普自上而下开展朝鲜外交. VOA Chinese, Mar 22, 2018
https://www.voachinese.com/a/new ... 80322/4310281.html.
("金正恩愿意讨论无核化的承诺成为将于4月份与韩国总统文在寅,以及5月份与美国总统川普会晤的基础。 * * * 川普总统以非正统的外交方式,在没有设定任何条件、进展或结果之前同意举行首脑会议")

My comment: 帕登 seems to be a writer of Chinese descent.


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