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Char Siu (continued)

发表于 7-16-2018 13:32:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
In my posting titled "Char Siu" and dated "July 14":

(1) correction:

In footnote (f)(ii)(C) Woo PCY et al, The Biosynthetic Pathway for a Thousand-Year-Old Natural Food Colorant and Citrinin in Penicillium marneffei. Scientific Reports, 4: 6728 (2014).

"* Please pay attention to Figure 5, where bottom row shows the chemical structures of monascorubrin (R=C7H15), rubropunctatin (R=C5H11), and products after reaction with amino groups ("Schiff base formation"). Please also take notice that the toxic citrinin is shown in the right upper corner of Fig 5."

The "right upper corner" is wrong. It should be "upper right corner."

(2) addition: * The citrinin "was first isolated from Penicillium citrinum * * * the actual mechanism of citrinin toxicity is not entirely understood." from a 2014 journal.

(g) "Fatty-skinned birds like geese and ducks, and well-marbled cuts of meat like pork ribs, shoulder and belly, are used for siu mei because the fat continually bathes the meat as it cooks. When choosing racks for this recipe, whether baby backs or full spareribs, make sure that the meat is well marbled with fat, and that there's a substantial cushion of meat between the bones."
(i) The char siu is made of spareribs. But what is baby back?

Daniel Vaughn, BBQ Anatomy 101: Pork Ribs. Texas Monthly, Aug 30, 2013
("baby back ribs. These are not ribs from baby pigs (you say, 'duh,' I say, 'you'd be surprised'). They're cut from the upper portion of the full rib bone closer to the spine and are known in the meat industry by their more technical name, 'back ribs.' The North American Meat Processors Association (NAMP) has specific definitions for these cuts, and pork backs ribs are cut #422")
(A) View the diagram from www.unl.edu (University of Nebraska at Lincoln -- flagship of University of Nebraska system; Lincoln is capital and second most populous city of Nebraska; Omaha is the most populous city, and 50-mile air distance north east of Lincoln).
(B) duh (interjection): "--used in an angry or annoyed way to show that something just said is already known or is obvious"

(C) In Taiwan there is no translation or equivalent of sparerib or baby back.
(D) spare ribs
(Spare ribs (pork) are distinguished from short ribs, which are beef)

In other words, the same thing is called sparerib when it comes from a pig -- and short rib from a cow.
(ii) The anatomy graphic in Texas Monthly does not clearly shows the vertebra in cross section. It is unfortunate.
(A) vertebra

View the cross section: two transverse processes and one spinous process (pointing toward the back and downward).
(B) One has to learn twp anatomical terms: dorsal and ventral, which are antonyms. Take a human for example (pig is the same): dorsal means toward the back and ventral, toward the abdomen (or front of a human).

dorsal (adj; from from Latin [noun neuter] dorsum back)

ventral (adj; from Late Latin [adjective] ventrālis, from Latin [noun masculine] ventr-, venter belly, abdomen + -ālis -al)
(C) The following specifically tells you in terms of anatomy, what muscles constitute an loin eye.

NAMP North American Meat Processors. The Meat Buyers Guide; Beef, lamb, veal, pork, and poultry. Wiley, 2007, at pages 154-155
https://books.google.com/books?i ... ostalis&f=false
(Please view 413, 413A, 413B and 413C; 413C Pork Loin, Loin Eye[:] The item will consist of the longissimus and multifidus dorsi mislces")

It appears that loin eye and rib eye are interchangeable in both pork and beef.

About the "eye": "It purely refers to the oval shape of that portion of the cut." from the Web.
(iii) The loin eye is dorsal to transverse process of a vertebra, whereas baby back is ventral.
(A) The muscle names are Latin (nouns).
(B) The muscle longissimus, meaning "longest," is superlative 最高级 of adjective longus long. It is the longest muscle.
(C) About the muscle multifidus. The second part fidus comes from the Latin verb fidere cleave, divide, split.
(D) For the anatomy of longissimus and multifidus in humans, see
("The muscles of the back can be divided into three groups – superficial, intermediate and [deep]," and the intermediate group includes longissimus whereas multifidus belongs to the deep group)

View graphs for each of the two muscles.

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