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发表于 9-5-2018 14:57:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
夏小华, 促台独公投 陈水扁再引热议. RFA, Sept 5, 2018 (photo of Sankei print; in the 普通话 section)
https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yat ... 09052018093341.html
("陈水扁近来透过 '新勇哥物语' 个人脸谱网对政局发表看法,9月5日更以专访形式登上日本《产经新闻》头版头条")

My comment:
(i) The Japanese report at issue:

「台湾存続、中国圧力で危機」 台湾の陳水扁元総統に独占インタビュー 10年ぶりメディアに. Sankei, Sept 5, 2018.
矢板明夫, https://www.sankei.com/world/news/180905/wor1809050003-n1.html
(ii) Sankei's follow-up report on the aftermath of the interview:

田中靖人, 陳水扁元総統の本紙インタビュー 台湾政界に波紋. Sankei, Sept 6, 2018.

(b) Because the RFA report correctly summarizes the Sankei report, I will not translate the latter. It is worth noting that Sankei asserts it is the first "exclusive interview 独占インタビュー" "in the media in ten years 10年ぶりメディアに," but Ministry of Justice (Taiwan) says it is not (an interview). See

锺广政, 陈水扁十年来首次对外畅所欲言 产经新闻专访惹争议. RFA, Sept 5, 2018 (in the 粤语 section)
https://www.rfa.org/cantonese/ne ... 09052018071522.html
("法务部次长陈明堂表示,根据报导内容指出,陈水扁并未直接接受传媒采访,当时访谈是以恳谈会的形式进行,除了 [a Japanese] 记者之外,还有多名旅居日本的台湾人团体干部参与,因此陈水扁似乎没有明显违反规定")
(c) Japanese-English dictionary:
* hamon 波紋 【はもん】 (n): "(1) ripple; ring on the water; (2) repercussions"
* kondankai 懇談会 【こんだんかい】 (n): "social gathering; informal get-together"
   ^ kondan 懇談 【こんだん】 (n,v): "informal talk"

Neither 懇談会 not 懇談 was used in Taiwan while I was there (up to 1984).

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