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发表于 9-8-2018 09:13:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 美从与台湾断交三国召回使节. VOA Chinese, Sept 8, 2018
https://www.voachinese.com/a/us- ... 180907/4562791.html
("美国国务院星期五宣布召回驻多米尼加共和国、萨尔瓦多和巴拿马的最高使节,就 '有关最近决定不再承认台湾一事' 进行磋商。  被召回的是驻多米尼加共和国大使罗宾·伯恩斯坦(Robin Bernstein)、驻萨尔瓦多大使吉恩·曼内斯(Jean Manes)和驻巴拿马临时代办康若珊(Roxanne Cabral)")

Note: Press release: US Chiefs of Mission to the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, and Panama Called Back for Consultations. US Department of State, Sept 8, 2018.

(2) 钟辰芳, 美国务院推文称中华台北引争议 重申对台政策未变. VOA Chinese, Sept 8, 2018 (photo, but not the English text, of the tweet)
https://www.voachinese.com/a/us- ... 180907/4562474.html
("这则推文是美国国务院东亚事务局星期四在其官方推特账号上发的帖子,内容是关于美台代表团在亚太经济合作组织(APEC)一个妇女论坛中密切交流的情形,推文还包括一张美国负责APEC事务的大使马修斯(Matt Matthews)与台湾代表团团长詹婷怡及其他成员的合照。  不过推文引发争议的部分,是关于台湾的称呼。  推文说:'美国和中华台北(Chinese Taipei)密切合作,增进亚太地区妇女的参与,包括通过APEC来参与。感谢大家交流思想' ")

(i) The link:

EAP Bureau (@USAsiaPacific), Official Twitter Account of @StateDept's Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
(ii) The Bureau is headed by the Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs."
(A) That Bureau is currently headed by W Patrick Murphy is currently acting principal deputy assistant secretary of the Bureau. He was nominated on Aug 12, 2018 as US ambassador to Cambodia (which needs senate confirmation, so he remains in the Bureau for now).
(B) Susan A Thornton was acting assistant secretary of the Bureau until late July when she retired. Nobody has been nominated for that position after Pompeo became secretary of state.


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