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未来中国主教任命他将拥有 '最后决定权': 方济各

发表于 9-25-2018 16:12:14 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
教皇方济各:未来中国主教任命他将拥有 '最后决定权.' 法广, Sept 25, 2018

, which is translated from

Pope Confirms He Will Have Last Word on Naming China Bishops. AFP, Sept 25, 2018.
https://www.afp.com/en/news/206/ ... bishops-doc-19g0g45

(1) This is not an exclusive. See
Philip Pullella, Pope Defends China Deal on Bishops, Says He Will Have Final Say on Names. Reuters, Sept 25, 2018
("ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (Reuters) - * * *  he [pope] told reporters on the plane returning from a trip to the Baltics")

(2) "Following the announcement, the pontiff recognised seven bishops who had been ordained in China without the approval of the Holy See.  The pope also posthumously recognised an eighth bishop who 'had expressed the desire to be reconciled with the Apostolic See' before he died last year, it said."

(b) "see"
(A) The English noun "see" is explained better  (than Holy See, see (b) ) in
episcopal see
(means "the area of a bishop's ecclesiastical jurisdiction. * * * The word see is derived from Latin sedes, which in its original or proper sense denotes the seat or chair that, in the case of a bishop, is the earliest symbol of the bishop's authority. This symbolic chair is also known as the bishop's cathedra, and is placed in the diocese principal church, which for that reason is called the bishop's cathedral, from Latin ecclesia cathedralis [in Latin, cathedralis is the adjective form of noun feminine cathedra], meaning the church of the cathedra. The word throne is also used, especially in the Eastern Orthodox Church, both for the seat and for the area of ecclesiastical jurisdiction.  The term 'see' is also used of the town where the cathedral or the bishop's residence is located") (citations omitted).
(B) etymology:
* bishop (n)

This explains "episcopal" see.
* see (n): " * * * from Latin sedem (nominative [noun feminine] sedes) 'seat, throne, abode, temple,' related to [verb] sedere 'to sit' * * *"

As a Latin noun, sedes (nominative case) is the dictionary form, not sedem (which is accusative case, used to signify direct object of a transitive verb).
* cathedral (n): " * * * from Latin [noun feminine] cathedra 'an easy chair (principally used by ladies)' * * * "

Compare Latin-English dictionary:
* cathedra (n):
"1: armchair (having cushions and supports)
2 : ceremonial chair (of a teacher, later of a bishop)
3: the office or rank of a teacher or bishop"
* ecclesia (noun feminine; from Ancient Greek [noun] ekklēsía gathering): "church"

(b) Holy See
(section 1 Terminology: Holy See = the Apostolic See (note the definitive article) )
(c) The eighth bishop is 方济小兄弟会会士安多尼•涂世华主教 Antonio TU Shihua OFM, based in 一会一团湖北省蒲圻教区 with cathedral in 湖北省咸寧市赤壁市 (原名蒲圻市, 1998年改名) and who died on Jan 4, 2017.

OFM stands for Order of Friars Minor ("is considered to the successor to the original Franciscan Order within the Catholic Church, and is the largest of the contemporary First Orders within the Franciscan movement [the other two First Orders within that movement are: Order of Saint Clare and the Third Order of Saint Francis]")   Wikipedia for Order of Friars Minor .


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