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发表于 10-13-2018 11:26:27 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
刘新宇, 俄最新防空系统:中国需要吗? RFA, Oct 12, 2018
https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yat ... 10122018094651.html

, whose first half is based on

前沿哨所 and 疆封 (writers' pen names), 俄S500反导系统首个买家将是中国?中国却不感兴趣. 出鞘 (daily online publication by 新浪军事), Oct 12, 2018.
http://mil.news.sina.com.cn/jssd ... mhafir2152713.shtml

Note: "有台媒指出,在央视3月份首次曝光的视频画面里,中国像竹竿一样插在地上的国产稀布阵综合脉冲孔径雷达可以撕开美军F-22的隐身外衣,其强大之处在该雷达的探测范围内,F-22只要出现在地平线上就能被及时发现。"
(a) 台媒? It is possible, but I fail to find it. In any event, China for the first time disclosed its new tool to detect F-22s.

小飞猪的防务观察, 中国这堆 '竹竿' 可探测F22 还不怕反辐射导弹(图). 新浪军事, Mar 20, 2018
http://mil.news.sina.com.cn/jssd ... yskeuc4985053.shtml
("3月18日,CCTV-2 [央视] 对话总师请来中国著名雷达专家-吴剑旗同志,他是中国反隐身雷达首席专家,在节目之中透露了中国反隐身雷达最新进展,其中国产稀布阵综合脉冲孔径雷达首次公开亮相,它应该也是世界第一型采用这种技术防空探测雷达。 * * * 所谓稀布阵雷达,它的天线阵元呈现广泛分布状态,实际上是一种多输入多输出技术,可以看做相控阵技术发展,从相关图片可以看到,它与常规雷达存在明显区别,也就是说雷达没有常规平面阵列天线,而采用了多个发射/接收天线,所以主持人和观众还好奇问为何弄了一堆电线杆子上来" which looks like 竹竿 阵)
(i) 稀布阵 / 稀疏阵 = sparse array
(ii) For 多输入多输出, see MIMO
("In radio, multiple-input and multiple-output")
(b) The next report -- but not 呂炯昌's -- includes 合成孔徑雷達, without 稀布陣.
(i) 洪哲政, 北斗干擾車 讓陸飛彈失準 必要時進駐總統府. 聯合晚報, Oct 11, 2018.

国防部参谋本部资通电军指挥部  (简称资通电军,为 [台湾] 国防部参谋本部直属单位,主要任务为电子作战、资讯作战、网络作战及军线(军用电话线)维护管理)  zh.wikipedia.org
(ii) 呂炯昌, 巷子內》如何讓解放軍飛彈攻台失敗. NOWNews 今日新聞, Oct 12, 2018
("平均一枚 [愛國者三型?] 飛彈價格300萬美金 * * * 2003年3月美軍攻打伊拉克,伊軍利用俄羅斯提供的GPS干擾器,成攻誘導幾枚美軍飛彈偏離航道。北韓為防止美軍發動飛彈攻擊,也曾向俄羅斯購入GPS干擾設備。 * * * 中國大陸現有衛星導航技術包括美國全球定位系統(GPS)、俄羅斯全球導航衛星系統(GLONASS)與自主研發的北斗衛星導航系統。由於 [中國] 擔心兩岸開戰時美軍會關閉GPS系統,因此極力研發北斗衛星系統,目前已研發至第3代,預計2020年建置完成,加密後精度可達0.1公尺,並強化抗干擾能力,對台威脅性大增")

There is no need to read the rest of this report, which says nothing.
(c) China and Taiwan different Chinese names for the same thing:
in China: 综合脉冲孔径雷达技术Synthetic Impulse and Antenna Radar (SIAR)
in Taiwan: 合成孔徑雷達
(i) synthetic-aperture radar

is usually used to map large-area landscape which is covered by, say, a jungle. So I do not know how it can be used to look into the sky -- because basically the radar in a synthetic-aperture radar has to travel a distance physically.
(ii) Antenna aperture (meaning: opening) is not necessarily a physical opening (obviously originally it was; those antenna which has an aperture is called "aperture antenna"). Whether now with a physical opening or not, an antenna (good or bad) is measured in part by aperture.
(A) the current definition made simple:

Evan Chandler, Introduction to Antenna Theory. SlidePlayer.com, "modified over 3 years ago"
(slide 12: "Antenna aperture [-] The area or part of the antenna which extracts power from the wave, that is, which actually comes in contact of EMW [electromagnetic wave] falling on it")
(B) antenna aperture
("The aperture is defined as the area, oriented perpendicular to the direction of an incoming electromagnetic wave * * * Although this concept is based on an antenna receiving an electromagnetic wave * * * Due to reciprocity, an antenna's gain in receiving and transmitting are identical. Therefore, [antenna's effective aperture] [A with a subscript e] can be used to compute the performance of a transmitting antenna also. * * * In general, the aperture of an antenna is not directly related to its physical size. However some types of antennas, for example parabolic dishes and horn antennas, have a physical aperture (opening) which collects the radio waves. In these aperture antennas, the effective aperture [A with a subscript e] is always less than the area of the antenna's physical aperture [A with a subscript 'phys'], otherwise the antenna could produce more power from its terminals than the radio power entering its aperture, violating conservation of energy")

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