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德国城市排行:慕尼黑蝉联榜首 鲁尔区继续下滑

发表于 11-10-2018 11:50:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
德国之声, Nov 9, 2018
("经济实力雄厚、发展动力十足的德国美茵河以南地区已经为迎接数字时代的到来做好了准备。而相比之下,传统工业区-鲁尔区的各城镇情况则不容乐观。这是德国《经济周刊》和网络房产平台Immobilienscout24周四(11月8日)联合发布的《德国城镇排行榜》所得出的结论。 * * * 在经济实力方面,慕尼黑已经连续七年排名第一。紧随其后的是因戈尔施塔特和斯图加特 [Stuttgart -- on both banks (east and west) banks of Neckar river, a right (and south of Main) tributary of Rhine]。跻身前十名的还包括爱尔朗根、[沃尔夫斯堡 Würzburg]、法兰克福 [on both banks )north and south) of Main]")

(a) Main (river)
("The name 'Main' derives from the Latin Moenus or Menus. It is not related to the name of the city Mainz (Latin: Moguntiacum)" )

Compare Mainz
(is located on the Rhine river at its confluence with the Main river; section 2 History, section 2.1 Roman Mogontiacum: Main is from Latin Menus, the name the Romans used for the river)
(b) Munich
(capital and most populous city of the second most populous German federal state of Bavaria [the most populous state is North Rhine-Westphalia that contains Ruhr]; Straddling the banks of the River Isar (a tributary of the Danube) north of the Bavarian Alps)
(i) Ingolstadt
(on the banks of the River Danube; Ingolstadt is a setting in the novel Frankenstein [published anonymously in 1818, 2 centuries ago] by [English writer] Mary Shelley; "Ingolstadt was first mentioned in a document of Charlemagne on Feb 6, 806 as 'Ingoldes stat,' the place of Ingold [name of a person, not of a god; see next]")
(ii) John Everett-Heat, The Concise Dictionary of World Place Names. 3rd ed. Oxford  University Press, 2014, page number not shown
hhttps://books.google.com/books?i ... 1&dq=Ingolstadt,++place+of+Ingold&source=bl&ots=CBAdfPOVL3&sig=4KAHXZ2z7t5I7d1abc-ymIcdxQw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjwiOHAxsreAhWHmuAKHez9BD4Q6AEwDnoECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q=Ingolstadt%2C%20%20place%20of%20Ingold&f=false
("Ingolstadt, Bavaria/Germany * * * the town's name means 'Place of Ingold' from the personal name and the Old High German stat")

is 50-mile air distance of Munich.
(d) "鲁尔区继续下滑" is not surprising. See rust belt
(section 4 International equivalents: Ruhr Area, Germany and Northeast China)

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