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台驻外单位 脸书用「Taiwan」

发表于 12-6-2018 11:56:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 锺广政, 台驻外单位社交媒体更名 脸书大头相统一用「Taiwan」 RFA, Dec 6, 2018.
https://www.rfa.org/cantonese/ne ... encoding=simplified

the first two paragraphs:



My comment:
(a) When I left Taiwan in 1984, there was no such term as 大头贴.
(b) This report carries a photo -- or two. Supposedly the original was on the right and the new one is on the left (a map of Taiwan with "TAIWAN" superimposed.
(c) Apparently (judging from this and next news reports) this change is restricted to FACEBOOK page only, not the Web page. And obviously in the Chinese-language, but not the English-language, Facebook page -- because, according to my visits to FACEBOOK pages of "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles," the latter gas the full name spelled out in English (but nothing else)  whereas the former is BLANK. It is 1 pm, EST, Dec 6, 2018.
(d) "外交部前驻美代表沈吕巡"

(1949- ; 沈葆楨的後人; 政党  中國國民黨; 中華民國駐美代表 2014-2016 under president Ma)  zh.wikipedia.org.

(2) 陈民峰, 台湾外交部推动全球驻外单位脸书名称改为台湾. 法广, Dec 6, 2018.

two consecutive paragraphs:

" * * * 台湾外交部是在独派如火如荼推动所谓「正名公投」但还没有正式投票之前,就已经开始推动外交部派驻全球一百多个单位脸书粉专的「正名」工作。目前台湾外交部在全球一百多个驻外单位,有五十四个大使馆、代表处或办事处,已建立了自己的脸书粉丝专页,正陆续更改中。

"本来这些驻外单位的名称大多是驻某城市的「台北经济文化办事处」或代表处,但台湾外交部在十一月通令全球外馆,不要用「台北」,改为「台湾」。比如原来的「台北驻欧盟及比利时代表处」(Taipei Representative office in the EU and Belgium),就改为「Taiwan in the EU and Belgium」。驻荷兰代表处则改名为「Taiwan in the Netherlands」。驻丹佛办事处改为「Taiwan in Denver」。

My comment: There is no need to read the rest, which is duplicate with (1).

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