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台積電3奈米新廠 + Samsung's 7nm

发表于 12-20-2018 16:14:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 張建中, 台積電3奈米新廠 分析師:半導體升級良機. 中央社, Dec 19, 2018 (online)
("環保署環評大會今天審查通過台積電3奈米新廠相關環差 [環境影響差異分析] 案 * * * 今年7奈米製程技術將貢獻1成業績,5奈米製程預計2020年在位於台南科學園區的晶圓18廠量產。  隨著3奈米新廠相關環差案通過審查,台積電將於2020年9月自南科管理局取得用地後,隨即動土展開3奈米新廠興建作業")

Note: 邱琮皓, 涂志豪 and 涂憶君, 南科環差過關 台積電6,000億大投資來了. 工商時報, Dec 19, 2018 (online)

(a) News release: IBM Expands Strategic Partnership with Samsung to Include 7nm Chip Manufacturing; Agreement expands 15-year R&D partnership to define leadership roadmap for semiconductor industry. IBM, Dec 20, 2018
https://newsroom.ibm.com/2018-12 ... -Chip-Manufacturing
("Today's announcement also expands and extends the 15-year strategic process technology R&D partnership between the two companies which, as part of IBM's Research Alliance, includes many industry firsts such as the first NanoSheet Device innovation for sub 5nm, the production of the industry's first 7nm test chip and the first High-K Metal Gate foundry manufacturing")

Note: There is no need to read the rest.
(b) News release: Samsung Electronics Starts Production of EUV-based 7nm LPP Process. Samsung, Nov 18, 2018
https://news.samsung.com/global/ ... sed-7nm-lpp-process

My comment:
(i) LPP stands for "Low Power Plus."
(ii) I read this new the day it was published. But almost no (English-language) news media in the world mentioned it, so I did not know what to make of it.

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