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发表于 12-20-2018 17:40:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 乔龙, 中国新型潜射导弹:射程覆盖全球. Radio Free Asia, Dec 20, 2018
https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yat ... 12202018092100.html

, which is based on

Bill Gertz, China Flight Tests New Submarine-Launched Missile; First flight of JL-3 nuclear missile conducted in November. Washington Free Beacon, Dec 18, 2018.
https://freebeacon.com/national- ... e-launched-missile/


"China carried out a flight test of a new submarine-launched ballistic missile last month that will carry multiple nuclear warheads capable of targeting most of the United States, according to American defense officials.  The launch in late November was the first time the Chinese military flight tested the Julong-3, or JL-3 missile that will be deployed with the next generation of ballistic missile submarines * * * The test was closely monitored by US intelligence agencies that detected the launch with missile warning satellites.  No additional details of the flight test could be learned. Pentagon spokesmen declined to comment.

"China's missile force announced, without elaborating, that five missile flight tests were conducted between Nov 20 and 23.  Also, the Liaoning Maritime Safety Administration announced a sea closure zone for "military exercises" in the area surrounding the location near Dalian, China, where the new missile is being developed. The closure took place Nov 22.

"Disclosure of the flight test followed internet reports last year that China deployed a Type-032 auxiliary submarine that is the likely test bed for JL-3 launches.  Private sector China analysts [based in US] who examined photos of the Type-032, now located at a port on the Bohai Sea in northeast China, say the submarine's tower contains missile launch tubes that appear to have been enlarged for JL-3 tests.  The Type-032 was used in the past for tests of the shorter-range JL-2 missile, a variant of the DF-31 land-based missile.

(a) 美媒指解放军成功潜射巨浪3洲际弹道导弹. 法广, Dec 20, 2018.

This report (whose content I do not read) has a wrong title. Bill Gertz's above report only says "launch" -- "success" is nowhere to be found. Bill Gertz before reported China's test in mid-course interception of ballistic missile  and hypersonic projectile similar to Boeing X-51 Waverider, none of which reported success.If Chna had made progress, I surmise that it would have done more tests (but has not).
(b) " 'The extent and full nature of the work conducted is unclear but the imagery is consistent with a modification to the ballistic-missile launch tube or tubes contained within the sail,' wrote Joseph Dempsey and Henry Boyd in the Military Balance Blog of the International Institute of Strategic Studies. 'Logically, this would suggest plans for the integration of a larger—or at least taller—new ejection system and SLBM.'  Dempsey and Boyd stated in August 2017 that the missile testing submarine was moved in February 2017 from its homeport in Xiaopingdao to Dalian Liaoning shipyard, which in the past was the location of China's submarine missile development programs.  The modification of the Type-032 'indicates progress towards a long-expected follow-on SLBM design, potentially designated "JL-3," '  they said."

Gertz should have made clear that all (not just one sentence with "August 2017") quotations above comes from, and hence is old news
Joseph Dempsey and Henry Boyd, Beyond JL-2: China's Development of a Successor SLBM Continues. (in the Military Balance Blog"). International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), Aug 7, 2017.
https://www.iiss.org/blogs/milit ... hina-successor-slbm
(c) "A report that same month in the China state-run Keji Ribao, a publication of the State Science and Technology Commission, stated that the existence of JL-3 had not been confirmed by Chinese authorities.  The report stated that Chinese military experts believe the solid-fueled JL-3 will use technologies from the new DF-41 land-based intercontinental missile, and that it will be comparable to the Navy's Trident II D-5 and new Russian Bulava submarine-launched missiles."

张 强, 如果 '巨浪-3' 不是传说. 科技日报, Aug 16, 2017
http://stdaily.com/index/kejixin ... ontent_568356.shtml


"近日,网络上出现的图片显示,中国海军唯一一艘032型弹道导弹常规动力潜艇的指挥塔围壳进行了改装,后部升高。有媒体认为,它的改装是为试验新型的 '巨浪-3' 潜射弹道导弹做准备。  科技日报记者了解到,目前尚无官方渠道消息证实 '巨浪-3' 的存在,不过有一点可以肯定,传说中的 '巨浪-3' 性能无疑会更加先进,而且会借鉴很多现有的先进技术。

"公开资料显示,'巨浪-2' 潜射洲际弹道导弹,是东风-31弹道导弹的改良型,是我国二次核打击的主力 * * * ['军事评论员'] 王强介绍,'综合媒体报道,"巨浪-2" 型导弹应该是采用三级固体火箭发动机,起飞重量超过50吨,能携带多枚分导核弹头,射程达到8000公里左右。"巨浪-2" 性能接近法国的M45导弹和俄罗斯 "布拉瓦" 导弹,但与美国 "三叉戟" Ⅱ D-5导弹相比,在射程、投掷重量、弹头数量、精度等方面仍有差距。'  境外媒体报道称,'巨浪-3' 潜射导弹的总体性能要比 '巨浪-2' 先进一代,达到或超过美国 '三叉戟' Ⅱ D-5的水平。

My comment: I doubt JL-1 and -2 ever exist.

(2) 黄春梅, 揭密 '马习会'   马英九回忆录出炉. Radio Free Asia, Dec 20, 2018.
https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yat ... 12202018091828.html


"书中提到习近平亲口确认会面意愿,外界都不知道的秘辛在于,前行政院长 [May 20, 2008-Sept 10, 2009] 刘兆玄2013年六月赴大陆参加两岸清华大学交流时,'超重量级' 的 '清华校友' 习近平要求会面。刘兆玄建议在APEC(亚太经合会)见面,习近平 [中華人民共和國主席 since Mar 14, 2013; 总书记 since Nov 15, 2012] 认为 '两岸领导人同时出现国际场合,恐造成实际两国印象' 的风险。

"书中第14章里写道,马英九提及1945年美军大举轰炸台湾,总统府大楼震垮一半,习近平还打岔问马,'你们的总统府,就是以前日本时期的总督府吗?'  对于对岸领导人直接称 '总统府,' 书中描述,'真是破天荒头一遭。'

(3) 美司法部起诉中国国安部黑客朱华、张石龙 指中方违背2015年承诺
("两名被美国指控的中国黑客,姓名译音分别为朱华(Zhu Hua)及张石龙(Zhang Shilong)")

Note: There is no need to read the rest of this report.

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