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今年美拟在冲绳首次岸基反舰导弹演习 并部署

发表于 1-3-2019 14:25:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 1-3-2019 15:49 编辑

(a) 美军计划今年在日本冲绳周边举行首次导弹演习抗衡中国威胁. VOA Chinese, Jan 3, 2019
https://www.voachinese.com/a/US- ... 190103/4727399.html
("多家媒体今天(1月3日)引述日本产经新闻的消息报道说 * * * 产经新闻没有透露消息来源")
(b) 古莉, 美国拟在冲绳首次反舰导弹演习对抗中国海洋扩张. 法广, Jan 3, 2019
("法新社1月3日引述 * * * 日本产经新闻报道说,华盛顿已将军演计划知会日本自卫队。美军计划在具有重要战略作用的冲绳沿岸部署导弹 * * * 美军将在这次军演框架内,使用洛克希德马丁公司生产的高机动性火炮火箭系统(High Mobility Artillery Rocket System)

Note: Both reports are similar and short. But (b) mentions HIMARS to boot.

(2) Let's go to the source:

半沢尚久, 米、沖縄で対艦ミサイル訓練 対中抑止、自衛隊に伝達意向. 産経ニュース Sankei News, Jan 3, 2019 (Japan time)
("米軍が、地上から艦艇を攻撃するミサイルを沖縄県に展開させる初の訓練を平成31年に行う方針を自衛隊に伝えてきていることが2日、分かった。 * * * 自衛隊との共同訓練も行いたい意向だ。 * * * 対艦ミサイルの展開には、有事の際に米軍を阻む中国の「接近阻止・領域拒否」への対抗策として * * * 米軍が展開させるのは高機動ロケット砲のHIMARS(ハイマース)。ハイマースは発射台となり、搭載したATACMS(エイタクムス)という戦術ミサイルを発射し、射程は約300キロで対艦攻撃と島(とう)嶼(しょ)間射撃など対地攻撃も行う。  ハイマースは輸送機で運べるよう軽量化した機動性の高さが特徴だ。ワシントン州の米陸軍第1軍団が部隊を展開させる。 * * * 「列島線防衛の新しい方策を検討すべきで、(米陸上部隊に)艦艇を沈める能力の強化を指示した」「陸上自衛隊から学びたい」  ハリス駐韓米国大使は太平洋軍(当時)司令官を務めていた平成29年5月、講演でそう述べた。陸自は南西防衛強化で中国海軍艦艇ににらみを利かせる12式地対艦ミサイルを沖縄本島や宮古、石垣両島などへの配備を計画し、ハリス氏の発言は米陸軍が陸自を手本にする考えを示したものだ。 * * * 米軍の戦術ミサイルATACMS(エイタクムス)の約300キロの射程は陸自の12式の約200キロを上回る。沖縄本島と宮古島の間の宮古海峡は約300キロの距離があり、エイタクムスは本島から海峡全体を射程に収め")

My translation: It was learned on Jan 2 that US military communicated to Japan's self-defense forces that the former intends to deploy in 2019 land-based anti-missiles in Okinawa Prefecture, and that due to this practice prior to that (deployment). * * * [US] aims to practice with self-defense forces. * * * Deployment of the anti-ship missiles is a countermeasure to foil China's A2/AD (anti-access/area denial) on US military in a contingency. US to deploy HIMARS, which is a platform loaded with ATACMS tactical missiles, with range of 300km and capable of attacking ships and land. HIMARS has the hallmark of light and high mobility, amenable to movement by a transport airplane. [The personnel] will be from I Corps [pronounced eye or first corps] based in Washington State [US had "II Corps"]. "Island-chain defense must have a new policy and I direct the American land force strengthen ability to sink ships."  "We are willing to learn from self-defense forces." So said in a May 2017 speech Harris now the US ambassador to S korea and then PACOM commander. To bolster 南西防衛, ground self-defense force plans to install Type 12 Surface-to-Ship Missile in 沖縄本島 and 宮古、石垣両島, etc. Harris speech appeared to modeled after ground self-defense force’s plan. * * * America's ATACMS has a range of 300km, exceeding Type 12's 200km of ground self-defense force. 宮古海峡 between 沖縄本島 and Miyako island 宮古島 is 300km wide, covered entirely by one ATACMS.  
(a) After the quotation is the last part of news report that s
(b) Type 12 Surface-to-Ship Missile  12式地対艦誘導弾
(table: Operational range 200 km (124 mi). Guidance system  Inertial guidance, GPS and terminal Ka band AESA radar homing)

Japanese-English dictionary:
* yudōdan 誘導弾 【ゆうどうだん】 (n): "guided missile"
   ^ yudō 誘導 【ゆうどう】 (n,v): "guidance; leading <水先案内人は船を港に誘導する。 A pilot guides the ship toward the port>"

I check and it seems that in Japan 誘導 means leading or guiding, as in directing traffic by a civilian or a police officer alike. There is no definition of temptation in Japan.

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 楼主| 发表于 1-3-2019 14:28:47 | 只看该作者
(a) M142 HIMARS
(High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS); "The HIMARS carries six rockets or one MGM-140 ATACMS missile on the US Army's new Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) five-ton truck"/ table: Manufacturer Lockheed Martin, Operational range 480 km (298 mi), Accuracy Guided)
(b) MGM-140 ATACMS
(Army Tactical Missile System (ATacMS); table: Maximum firing range 190 mi (300 km), Manufacturer Lockheed Martin, Launch platform  M270 or HIMARS)
(c) 1963 United States Tri-Service missile and drone designation system
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/19 ... _designation_system

MGM stands for (M) Mobile (G) Surface-attack (M) Guided missile.

(a) Sam LaGrone, PACOM Commander Harris Wants the Army to Sink Ships, Expand Battle Networks. USNI News, Feb 21, 2017.
https://news.usni.org/2017/02/21 ... and-battle-networks


" 'Before I leave PACOM, I'd like to see the Army’s land forces conduct exercises to sink a ship in a complex environment where our joint and combined forces are operating in other domains,' [Admiral Harry] Harris said during the West 2017 conference on Tuesday. * * * Harris then called for his Navy and Army forces commanders – Pacific Fleet commander Adm Scott Swift and US Army Pacific commander Gen Bob Brown – to work out how to tie the Army's land-based missile defense network into the Navy’s Naval Integrated Fire Control-Counter Air architecture. NIFC-CA – based around the US carrier strike group – creates a network of sensors and shooters to allow ships or aircraft to pass targeting information between several different weapon systems and platforms.

"While Harris was enthusiastic about inter-service battle networks merging, he stopped short of calling for a NIFC-CA level of connection with Japanese and South Korean forces.  Both countries field – or are set to field – Aegis combat system-equipped ships and aircraft capable of bolting on to the U.S. Navy’s NIFC-CA construct and expanding its reach. When asked by USNI News, Harris declined to say if he wants to link the capabilities of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and the South Korean military directly to the US NIFC-CA network.
(b) Gidget Fuentes, Marines Fire HIMARS From Ship in Sea Control Experiment With Navy. USNI News, Oct 24, 2017
https://news.usni.org/2017/10/24 ... rol-experiment-navy
("A detachment of Marines with Camp Pendleton, Calif.-based 5th Battalion, 11th Marines, set up the vehicle-borne launch system on the flight deck of amphibious transport dock USS Anchorage (LPD-23). * * * Target destroyed, officials said")

However, what the target was, and where (on the sea or ashore) was not explained.
(c) In the July 12, 2018 Sinking Exercise (SINKEX), US Army participated in RIMPAC for the first time and fired HIMARS from the shore of Kauai, Hawaii, allegedly hitting the target -- a stationary, decommissioned USS Racine, 55 nautical miles away. Other participants were US Navy and Japan's self-defense forces.

Note: To use ATACMS or HIMARS against ships, US Army has modified these missiles since 2016. Still, (4)(c) appears to be the only one successful report so far for HIMARS, although www.thedrive.com cast doubt on July 26, 2018, because "all the HIMARS rounds were Reduced Range Practice Rounds, known as RRPR rounds" whose manufacturer Lockheed Martin in its website said has a maximal range of 15km. (There has been no news report of testing ATACMS in anti-ship exercise.) In any event, the American stories are just like China boasting of DF-21 as a killer of an aircraft carrier, despite the fact that a target ship is usually moving, if not zigzagging.

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