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发表于 1-7-2019 16:45:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
钟辰芳, 易思安:解放军噩梦是同时以五大联合作战应对台湾美国及印度. VOA Chinese, Jan 7, 2019
https://www.voachinese.com/a/chi ... 190107/4732675.html

two consecutive paragraphs:

"目前是美国2049项目研究所研究员的易思安(Ian Easton),星期天发表了 '中国五大战争计划' 的最新报告,进一步分析解放军如何以台湾这个 '大型岛屿' 为目标进行作战准备,以联合作战行动达到 '孤立或占领台湾、阻止美国介入,并抗击一旦对台动武时可能面临的来自印度的边境威胁。'

"这五大主要联合作战计划,包括 '大型岛屿联合火力突击作战、' '大型岛屿联合封锁作战、' '大型岛屿联合进攻作战、' '联合反空袭作战,' 以及'边境地区联合作战。'

My comment:
(a) This report is based on Ian Easton, China's Top Five War Plans. Project 2049 Institute, Jan 6, 2019.
("PLA sources indicate that Chinese military strategists focus on five major conflicts scenarios [at page 1]. * * * The following will briefly outline how Chinese military writings envision the manner in which each of the PLA's five joint operations ['联合作战' where 'joint' means coordination between different 'service or branch of the military': page 2] might, in theory, play out. [the first scenario:] Joint Firepower Strike Operations against Taiwan[:] In this scenario, the PLA would employ missile and air strike against Taiwan with the aim of suppressing and destroying targets on the island [at page 3]")

These five scenarios are what Mr Easton gleans from PLA's internal documents; PLA itself does not say so.
(b) Regarding the nightmare scenario (quotation this VOA report: 噩梦假想情况) in Easton's article. India is unlikely to intervene. United States is iffy. As for the quotation in (a): It is unthinkable for China to conduct air strike, because there are so many missiles on each side.

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