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Colonial Buildings in Taiwan

发表于 1-9-2019 14:38:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 1-9-2019 14:42 编辑

Each photo, at the right lower corner, has a circle with "i" within. Click it and you will see caption.

Peter Ford, Japanese Tourists in Taiwan on the Colonial History Trail in Taipei, Tainan and Hualien. South China Morning Post, Jan 9, 2019.
https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/t ... istory-trail-taipei

(a) In Jinguashi: "The ruins of the Ogon Shinto shrine ['built in 1933 by the Nippon Mining Company'] are high on the steep slopes above the residence built for Japanese Crown Prince Hirohito. * * * Jinguashi gold mine * * * [during World War II] One POW camp, Kinkaseki, was within sight of Hirohito’s residence in Jinguashi.

(a) Ōgon Shrine  黄金神社
("located halfway up a mountain at Siping Lane (四平街) in the Gold Ecological Park [traditional Chinese: 黃金博物園區 containing 新北市立黃金博物館 of glass] in Jinguashi, Ruifang District, New Taipei City [新北市瑞芳區金瓜石], Taiwan (formerly Kinkaseki, Zuihō town, Kirun [should be kiirun or kīrun] district, Taihoku Prefecture during Japanese rule) * * * The Ōgon Shrine was built and managed by the Nippon Mining Company (日本鉱業株式会社, now JX Nippon Mining & Metals [(NMM); 日鉱金属; 日鉱 was established by 久原 房之助 in 1905 as 日立鉱山 but changed its name in 1929 to 日本鉱業: per www.nmm.jx-group.co.jp]) on March 2, 1933 (Shōwa 8).
(i) Actually currently "JXTG Nippon Mining & Metals," one of the subsidiaries of JXTG Holdings, Inc.

history of JXTG Holdings according to ja.wikipedia.org: In 2000 Tōnen 東燃 and ゼネラル石油 (both in business of crude refinery; ゼネラル is katakana for "general") merged to form 東燃ゼネラル石油株式会社 TonenGeneral Sekiyu KK (KK stands for "kabushiki kaisha" 株式 会社. In 2017 it merged with JX as JXTG Holdings.

I do not know what JX stands for.
(ii) "formerly Kinkaseki, Zuihō town 瑞芳街, Kirun district 基隆郡, Taihoku Prefecture"
(A) Kin-ka-seki, Zui-hō, Kirun and Taihoku are all Chinese pronunciations for kanji 金瓜石, 瑞芳,
(B) Taihoku Prefecture  台北州
(C) The ja.wikipedia.org for 基隆市 says, "基隆市(きいるんし * * * 英語: Keelung)."   

The "きいるん" may be transliterated as "kii-run" or "kī-run" with kii or kī signifying a long vowel for "i."  

I believe the Japanese pronunciation for 基隆 is meant to be close to its Chinese pronunciation, because the kanji has only one Chinese pronunciation: ryū. *Again, a reminder: no transliteration of Japanese language has letter L, only R.)
(iii) 金瓜石
(section 1 發展沿革: In 1893 "發現了小金瓜金脈露頭 [ie, 露天礦脈],而在小金瓜露頭被發現後不久,淘金客也在附近發現了大金瓜露頭。「金瓜石」這個地名,即因為大小金瓜的山型貌似南瓜,也就是台語所說的「金瓜」[due to color of pumpkin] 而得名")
(A) 地質公園. 新北市立黃金博物館, undated
http://www.gep.ntpc.gov.tw/xmdoc ... G252543581608125564
("地質公園過去為本山礦場 [which was 大金瓜露頭],是開採金瓜石最大礦體-「本脈礦體」的露天礦場,是地質公園中的重要景點。 本脈礦體規模相當大,是金瓜石最主要的金銅礦脈,分布範圍從現今金瓜石公車總站南緣向南延伸至武丹坑,最長部分可達兩公里多,而其垂直深度超過700公尺,達海平面以下130餘公尺深")
(B) Tony Huang 黃育智, 金瓜石地質公園. Tony的自然人文旅記(0295),
("本山,就是「金瓜山」,俗稱「大金瓜」,是金瓜石最早發現黃金礦脈的地方。 * * * 金瓜山原來的高度為638公尺(註1)。638公尺是多高呢? 可拿基隆山及茶壺山來做比較,基隆山高588公尺,茶壺山高580公尺, 都矮於金瓜山。然而金瓜山經過近百年的開採,山頭已經被剷平,如今的「本山礦場」,高度大約只剩500公尺左右,地勢已低於鄰近的基隆山及茶壺山。 * * * [history:] 九份的小金瓜發現露天的礦脈 [which has been excavated also](註2), 為九份發現金礦的開始。次年(1894年),又發現大金瓜 [at 金瓜石; 金瓜石 and 九份 are nearby neighborhoods of present-day 新北市瑞芳區] 的露天礦脈]" )


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 楼主| 发表于 1-9-2019 14:39:39 | 只看该作者
(b) "an art space was unveiled in 2011 in the converted offices and warehouses of the former Matsuyama Tobacco plant. The Songshan Cultural and Creative Park [traditional Chinese: 松山文創園區] houses avant-garde art, artists' studios and event spaces."
(i) 台湾総督府専売局松山煙草工場
("台湾における煙草の専売制度は日本統治時代の1905年に開始された。これは当時財源不足に悩んでいた台湾総督府が税収増加を目的に採用された。  1911年には鉄道駅の台北煙草工場駅を設置し台湾での煙草生産は拡大していく。  太平洋戦争が勃発すると、紙巻タバコは台湾市場のみならず、華中、華南及び南洋諸島への輸出が増大し、更なる生産拡大に迫られた。  台湾総督府専売局は1937年に台北市松山地区に台湾総督府専売局松山煙草工場を新たに建設してその需要に応えようとした")

my rough translation: Tobacco monopoly started in Taiwan in 1905, due to insufficient revenue for the government. In 1911, tobacco production expanded in Taiwan when a tobacco plant was set up near Taipei rail station. When World War II erupted, demand for Taiwanese tobacco increased bit just for Taiwan but for central and southern China as well as IndoChina. Even more production was needed, so in 1837 in the Matsuyama area of City of Taipei Matsuyama Tobacco plant was built. {later in this Wiki page, Taiwan stopped production at this plant in 1988.]
(ii) In present-day Japan, tobacco was monopolized in 1898 (due to revenue need after Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895); salt was added in 1949 during US occupation (and dictated by US) but never alcohol (unlike Taiwan under Republic of China). Japan abolished monopoly of tobacco in 1984 and of salt in 1997. All information in this paragraph are from Japan Tobacco, Inc (successor of monopoly bureau) in its English-language Web page titled "Our History."

(c) "A visit to the area surrounding the Chiang Kai Shek memorial in central Taipei, itself an example of the post-Japanese redesign of the city, shows how thoroughly the colonial Japanese stamped their mark on the city.  The red-brick building of the Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School"

Many Japanese-built buildings (including [traditional Chinese:] 臺北市立建國高級中學) were repurposed. That is what the quotation means.
(d) "the 86km-long Alishan Forest Railway [traditional Chinese: 阿里山森林鐵路], opened in 1912. It carries visitors up to Alishan, home to the Tsou [traditinal Chinese: 鄒] indigenous group"
(e) "Six railway lines built by Meiji Sugar to take sugar cane from the fields to sugar factories on the southwest coast are equally popular with tourists."

明治製糖https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/明治製糖 (1906 (founded in Tainan)-1996 in Japan its asset in Taiwan forfeited after World War II; 二次世界大戰後,明治製糖與大日本製糖、臺灣製糖、鹽水港製糖的在臺資產合併成臺灣糖業公司 [under Republic of China]。在日本本土的資產則以明治製糖株式會社存續;並於1996年與大日本製糖 [1890-1996; entered Taiwan also in 1906] 合併成大日本明治製糖" Dai-Nippon Meiji Sugar Co, Ltd (based in Tokyo) )
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 楼主| 发表于 1-9-2019 14:40:03 | 只看该作者
f) "In the southern city of Tainan, the Hayashi Department store, the tallest building there when it was built in 1932, was restored in 2015 to its pre-war splendour. The city, the oldest in Taiwan * * * The 1928 Land Bank building, opposite the Hayashi Department store, features Doric columns and neoclassical flourishes that were popular in Europe and the United States at the time, and were used by Japanese architects across Japan and in colonial Korea, Manchuria and Taiwan."
(i) Hayashi Department store 林百貨店 (located at 台南州 末廣町 2丁目; 5-story 落成當時是台南第一高樓; Upon completion, the building was one of two such stores in Taiwan with state-of-the-art features of elevators [the other: 開幕日僅比當時臺北市榮町的菊元百貨 [building still exists] 晚兩天,兩者亦並列為台灣日治時期南北兩大百貨]; [owner] 林 方一 於1932年開幕, 但五天後林方一便因膽囊炎病逝,得年49歲。而在老闆去世之後,該店便由其當時38歲的妻子林年子繼續經營; 陸續作為臺灣製鹽總廠、中華民國空軍單位及警察派出所等用途; 2010-2013 reconstruction; in 2014 林百貨沿用原名再度開幕 [building is owned by Tainan city and department store, operated by Taiwanese contractor]) mostly zh.wikipedia.org for 林百貨.
(ii) "The 1928 Land Bank building, opposite the Hayashi Department store, features Doric columns and neoclassical flourishes"
(A) 原日本勸業銀行臺南支店
("大正十一年(1922年)時,日本政府核准其 [勸業銀行] 在台北設置「支店」(分行);而昭和3年(1928年)3月時,又核准其在台南設立支店。 * * * 昭和12年(1937年),新的支店行舍在末廣町一丁目119番地(斜對面便是林百貨)落成啟用 * * * 二次大戰後,民國35年(1946年)台灣土地銀行成立,原勸業銀行台南支店成為其台南分行至今")
(B) 台灣土地銀行
is just another bank dealing with money (not land).

(g) "On the other side of the island is a different Japanese legacy. Hualien's Pine Garden, on a small hill overlooking the town near Taiwan’s top tourist draw, the Taroko Gorge"

is owned by 花蓮縣文化局.
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